The satanic rumble puppet strikes again! With "Policy" enforcement agent add on!

9 months ago

Not even 10 minutes to scrub those comments too you satanic s0r0s/g8tes rumble puppet? They must have some serious good dirt on you for sure pavlovski but all good! More proof you love to help democide complicit satanic pedo demons is always a good thing for down the line for sure! Well hey maybe you'll get lucky and your masters shall rid me of this pulse that works too! "god" can deal with it yep!

pedo demon james draco orion group buy-bull patent mash.png

This video shall be highlighted for any potential "POLICY" enforcement agents that may pull me over due to the fact i am still not able to repatriate to my home province thanx to MASSIVE TRESPASS against me FROM EVERY LEVEL of government across this blood soaked demon ravaged land! If not for a satanic run government abducting (and likely now is murdered thanx to NO FUCKING HELP THE LAST 6 YEARS IN THIS LIMBO STALEMATE FUCKING HELL RIDE!) Annette Marie my vehicle would most certainly be "LICENSED"!
For the sake of your own family and friends hopefully you choose not to implicate yourself in further trespass against us and educate yourself with the enclosed evidence you shall be given! And by all means help the prideful christopher james over at warrior calls there with half truth one decade maybe!

Policy enforcement agent cover letter!

Please help Chris and Christine from the same Calgary city that have had 3 of their children taken by a pedo demon run judiciary by calling crime stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS to report "Owens abuse case #CA19193202"

Like it shall matter as i said in this video but hey when i took a chance 6 years ago i figured that WWG1WGA line meant something but years later how many have been culled now? What's it going to take i wonder? Shall you do anything when they are kicking your door down? Maybe you'll care when they take your kids? Who fkn knows anymore with this species aside from no one bloody helps us here so hopefully you will help them in Calgary!

As for the paypal link contained within DON"T EVEN BOTHER sending anything to there as it's already "chuck"ed yep! Only thing i seem bloody good for anyhow is being fkn CHUCKED so you can keep your garbage money we don't really fkn need!

Policy enforcement agent cover letter!
This is merely a cover letter for any POLICY enforcement agents (Of any of the numerous Provincial Police Service Corporations that potentially pull me over) highlighting the seriousness of our collective global situation and includes warnings/evidence that you can and should share with your friends and family as well!

See the below video for clickable links and more details and the same said links are also included below

Misc covid lie democide docs folder


Also seeing as this hell ride began in Alberta back in 2019 and it is Alberta that is holding up my repatriation to my home province, as well Ontario Provincial courts failing to do JUSTICE either i am also including the below Service Corporation heads to the 223 OIPRD email thread! It as well goes with all the other proof of what happened to us going back to Annette Marie’s abduction (and now likely murder) in April of 2019. The subsequent meeting of the mother at the Calgary indigenous hub (now likely murdered as well seeing as it was a black Calgary Police service cop that threatened to kill her and cleared out the hub while i was seeking help for Annette Marie) involves the very same satanic garbage responsible for these other below cases Alberta Service heads refuse to help!

CHOOSES TO BE COMPLICIT IN GLOBAL DEMOCIDE, & THE PROTECTION OF SATANIC PEDO DEMONS! - [Pedophilia, Kidnapping, Barratry, Trafficking, Extortion and Malfeasance]

Hon. Doug Downey
Attorney General
“Honourable” to lucifer & his democidal “draconian” buddies maybe sure!

As well the below_
Danielle of the Smith family (a woman who acts as Premier for a service corporation ALBERTA) Office of the Premier 307 Legislature Building 10800 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 P: 780-427-2251 (Edmonton) P:780-427-2711 (outside Alberta) Email: Tyler of the Shandro family (a man who acts as Attorney General for a service corporation[s] ALBERTA) Minister of Justice 204 Legislature Building 10800 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6 P: 780 427-2339 F: 780 422-6621 E-mail:

CHOOSES TO BE COMPLICIT IN GLOBAL DEMOCIDE, & THE PROTECTION OF SATANIC PEDO DEMONS! - [Pedophilia, Kidnapping, Barratry, Trafficking, Extortion and Malfeasance]

Re: 3 rd and Final Notice Danielle Smith and Tyler / Emergency Meeting Required Date: Feb 13th 2023 Greetings Danielle and Tyler, This is my 3rd and Final Notice. Both of you have willfully ignored over 3,000 direct email communications now on the public record; 6,000 emails [estimated] and growing to people also elected / acting for service corporations [Governments]; Time is of the essence in this country we the people demand a face to face publicly right now; This link video communication on the public record today; i…am not alone and standing with thousands of professionals and millions of people on Genocide occurring; home page has two prior video communications to you both on public record; The “Provincial Government of ALBERTA” is a service corporation… service corporations don’t write laws; People across Canada believe Danielle is acting as a light to others as Premier to protect and serve; We the people DEMAND written VERIFIABLE evidence on the public record to the following questions… 1. Does Danielle or Tyler [any man/woman] under your control claim i (we the people) property? 2. Does Danielle or Tyler [any man/woman] have contract privately i (we the people) property? 3. Does Danielle or Tyler [any man/woman] have contract i (people) property with a service corporation? If the answer is “No” to 3 questions then jurisdiction [control] over any man/woman does not exists [fact]; i…claim trespass [Genocide, human trafficking, malfeasance] is occurring on your watch against we the people; i…(we the people) require an emergency face to face to address/act quickly to stop this trespass occurring;

See full PDF in the video description or by seeing link below_

Re: We the people require 3 Questions Answered [Yes or No] immediately Emergency Zoom Meeting Required Greetings Danielle and Tyler, Time is of the essence in this country that we the people have a simple conversation publicly right now; This link is the video communication on the public record; The “Provincial Government of ALBERTA” is a service corporation… service corporations don’t write laws; We the people across Canada see Danielle acting as a light to others as Premier to protect and serve; We the people require written reply post haste…and on the public record to the following questions… 1. Does Danielle or Tyler [any man/woman] under your control claim i (we the people) property? 2. Does Danielle or Tyler [any man/woman] have contract privately i (we the people) property? 3. Does Danielle or Tyler [any man/woman] have contract i (people) property with a service corporation? i, (we the people) require written verifiable evidence produced immediately if your answer is yes to above; If the answer is “No” to 3 questions then jurisdiction [control] over any man/woman does not exists [fact]; i…claim trespass [Genocide, human trafficking, malfeasance] is occurring on your watch against we the people; i…(we the people) require an emergency zoom meeting to address/act quickly to stop this trespass occurring;

See full PDF in the video description or by seeing link below_

Notice: Trespass [Pedophilia, Kidnapping, Barratry, Trafficking, Extortion and Malfeasance] We the people claim multiple people [Exhibits] did/do Trespass against their fellow man; Verified ‘Trespass [Theft]’ people’s property [children] by BAR members/Police/CPS and others; We demand restoration of property for Christine Wall & Chris Lee, Dale Richardson and Pam Deol; These people[s] property [children] have been taken without jurisdiction or verified trespass; All involved require being brought to justice in a court of record moving under the common law; Every man/woman when a claim of such magnitude is made right to seek justice is not denied; The Law of the land [Canada] is common…common to the people…it is not of a ‘legal jurisdiction’; Every man/woman receiving Notice: Trespass will be liable if immediate action to stop it ignored; Claim[s] stated within this notice verified and true Truth [unrebutted] makes the Law… not people acting in roles for service corporation[s] Every man or woman named in Exhibit[s] must answer yes to one of the following questions… The word ‘who’ used means simply a man or woman or one of the people… period… therefore… 1. Who claim i [we the people] property? 2. Who claim contract exists i [we the people] property? 3. Who acts for a service corporation with contract i [we the people] property Every man/woman named [Exhibits] or involved in this trespass must answer yes to questions; Bring forth said man or woman with verified evidence addressing yes be true to above questions; If not then no man/woman involved who trespass has jurisdiction or can administrate property; No man or women who have trespassed [named] have lawful standing to carry out said acts; This corruption is not limited to a province or territory it is happening worldwide and must stop; Claim[s] verified Continued… Pam Deol verifies/reports pedophilia against her daughter…then kidnapped/not seen 2+ years. Pam was locked up in woman’s jail/ in isolation for weeks over 50 days Aug to Sept 2022; Pam repeatedly demanded court held to address trespass against all and denied to date said right; Her treatment at Milton Woman Correctional Center was horrific inhumane and a grave trespass. Christine Wall and Chris Lee report youngest son sexually abused by man acting as principal. Then all of their property [3 children] taken at gunpoint inside house by the RCMP shortly after; They caused NO wrong/harm to their children and no verified claims/evidence exists to such fact; They have not seen their 3 children ages 10, 13 and 18 since January 2022… a grave trespass; Dale Richardson uncovered serious corruption and trespassing occurring against we the people; He was arrested by RCMP and his eldest daughter Kaysha Richardson without warrant or charge; Both interrogated like criminals for days/locked up in jail or a hospital further terrorized; Neither caused any wrong/harm and Dales youngest daughter 3 yrs old taken unlawfully by people acting for service corporations [ward of the state] then given to the woman who trespass; Kaysha had to flee Canada under threat of her life by the very people who are to protect and serve; These people have been destroyed and terrorized by a criminal judiciary operating in Canada; The case[s]/court filings can be found at as a light to stop this evil; For evil to succeed requires good men & woman do nothing…we the people know…that you know; Pedophilia worldwide is an affront to freedom and god our creator who’s law reigns supreme; Immediate action required by ALL who receive this Notice: Trespass…to not act condones & liable; We the people are awake and growing in vast numbers to these horrific trespasses occurring; We the people will not tolerate horrific acts by people entrusted to protect property of man; We require all who receive said Notice: Trespass produce evidence counter to 3 questions or act; Restoring said children immediately must occur for all… for there are many others worldwide; The people of Canada love thy neighbor and will fight to the end to wipe this evil from this earth; Please copy all replies to this Notice to so it is on the public record; We require written contact is made to the people [exhibits] involved causing wrong and harm; Maxim in law: Ignorance of the law is no excuse We await your immediate response and confirm action is occurring to address these people asap;

See full PDF in the video description or by seeing link below_

Further links, descriptions and evidence is included beyond this cover letter and as far as what you decide or are ordered to do please at least see Warrior calls for much more evidence in this war against us all!


This video is a follow up to the below video with description included!

The Hope & Dream For Y'all Finally Destroyed By Six Nations With rumble Chooses Complicit!

Not even a few hours and already you've switched the recent ones now too pavlovski? Well hey let's hope for your sake your satanic string pullers get lucky and rid me of this pulse is all i can say you demon puppet!
The s0r0s/g8tes rumble puppet pavlovski is swapping my videos again the satanic pedo demon enabling, democide complicit demon skin is yep! Screenshot 2024-05-13 055829.png

Must be over the target yet again eh you CSIS demons?
Recent swapped videos in proper order linked below_

Tribute To The yella satanic demon puppet bunkchute raymond! @Give lucifer another cookie CSIS Yup!

That Should Please You CSIS demons @Maybe Getting My Head Chopped Off Now Why Not!

They Don't Make a Pill For That Creature Nope! @Effectively Taken Over We Are Yup!

The s0r0s/g8tes rumble puppet pavlovski goes with complicit helping pedo demon satanists and for sure lucifer needs more cookies yup Screenshot 2024-05-13 053937.png

Guess we're going to play the stalling game now are we you demon puppets at rumble here? Give me more proof for all i care you satanic fks! only 1gb and we're sitting at 30% and over 15 minutes? This is about where you'd typically watch live i know stalling me out while on the line to your string pullers... well umm... well you see... hmmmm .... well you know... ahhhh well maybe mmmm .... geeez well idk string pullers you see???? well hmmmm geeez, fk eh??? For sure caps rolling btw live monitors and i have tones of space aye!

As for the hope and the dream for y'all well guess the car/evidence is officially gone now so thanx a bunch everyone for.... well hmmm... let's see... well thanx... hmmm thanx for well... NOTHING i suppose! Oh no wait sorry i mean thanx so much for at least watching me be right fkn destroyed for trying to help you all and our world yes! It's for sure great to know that WWG1WGA line isn't worth a fkn thing at the end of the day yep i got it yup! Your federation of planets "god" lie rulers commend every last one of ya's for being stellar "humans" for real no doubts!

Enjoy the - Oh man am i so happy being killed slowly for all your viewing pleasure pic yep IMG_20240420_085429291.jpg
Your [love] makes me feel oh so warm and fuzzy inside “god” for sure!

With pictures/links should any care!
Description for - The Hope & Dream For Y'all Finally Destroyed By Six Nations With rumble Chooses Complicit

So far as if anyone at the local O.P.P would even go to this jeff guys place to verify if that was really him or not who knows but i sure won't hold my breath on that no, so bravo lucifer, CSIS, you 5% federal ministers, O.P.P, Brantford PD, Six nations PD and all the others that are killing me slowly here for "god" and this cold hearted species i've thrown it all away on multiple times the last bloody 12 years! Lesson learned for sure creatures so thanx a bunch yep!

31 minutes and only 58% rumble demons? So you know too btw the CIA DARPA youtube front and bunkchute shall be added to the new wheels so you know should this satanic front decide to take out this channel but all things considered i've resigned myself to the fact i'll be out of this cesspit world soon enough so i don't much care any longer what you do! You just can't unknow after a certain point and the idea i even walked this fkn earth makes me ill should i be honest! "god" wins they say? lmfao i wouldn't want to win this dump hole buddy your a joke! Hell i don't even want your "heaven" either you disgraceful garbage aye! The idea i was even a thoth of you makes me FKN SICK!

Related drive files and other evidence is linked below should any care!

Full circle, Six Nations Police Service tying it all together - Now add extortion and potential destruction of evidence!

Six nations Police Service related - extortion add on folder linked below_

223 OIPRD Investigation Email Thread add on AND NOTICE TO ANY POTENTIAL “POLICY” enforcement agents!

From infiltrators and plants, hackers to puppet cops like the 4 that pulled the christmyth eve abduction to now the recent fun at Manny's place and every other rotten trick in the book i'll not mention here, it would seem clear we have some desperate animals at every level & agency across this blood soaked demon ravaged land don't we BRANTFORD POLICE SERVICE?

UNDER SECTION 21 Just some of the OFFENCES are listed!
-conspiracy to commit/obstruction of justice for abduction/murder related cover ups

Annette Marie Evidence ORIGINAL


- conspiracy to commit/obstruction of justice in ongoing secret government experiments
- conspiracy to commit/obstruction of justice for global democide
- conspiracy to commit/obstruction of justice for high treason
- obstruction of justice - BELL MEDIA theft/fraud/assault with a weapon(s) causing bodily harm, attempted murder and murder if they get their way aye! To be clear robed [BAR] pigs!
- tampering with evidence/witnesses
just to name a few!

See links with pictures included in Drive link below_

Updated rumble about with new Brantford PD terrorist fun

And no FYI the above link still isn’t complete thanks to lack of time and resources here due to nonstop bunk further expanded thanks to this whole new issue with “J” at Six nations there that couldn’t just answer my bloody messages that now is going to cost me even more!

Funny too but not really eh Brantford PD that people are changing their stories now about that savage at Manny’s place eh? See more below_

Manny's Place Savage, [Q]tard Plants With Robbery & Abduction By Brantford Police Demon Puppets!

Six Nations related videos to add context to this video are linked below_

Tow Creature Seals The Deals For "god" And 6 Nations Borg'd Out Creatures!

Full Circle 1412 Alpha Omega , 6 Nations/tow creature Sealing The Deals For "god" Yay!

Sir A For Scotia Dealer A Short with links

From Ms A infiltrated to cryptic Ms M still going with the source hole i say!

Brantford Robbery Report, 223 Screw With a tow creature six nations fed shafting why not!

Brantford Robbery Report, 223 Screw With a tow creature six nations fed shafting #2

And for sure there is a crap load more links i could add but it’s 3:33 am here and i still have more to prepare for court should i even get any sleep here, and sorry for sure Brantford Provincial Court this stack of paper i’ll be bringing isn’t even .0001% of all the PROOF that could be delivered but as previously stated this is fairly simple thus we shall stick to HIGH TREASON and GLOBAL DEMOCIDE for now!

And for sure CSIS demons somebody should get ahold of "RICHARD" SMITH there at Six Nations Police service and be warning him that Morris creature is a risk to EVERYONE on the road to be clear!

The proof can no longer be denied either!

Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body



17 Million Murdered By COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death

5G Activate Borg Like Creature Aye, torba Skin Metric Cut Yup!

Would Have Went Anywhere And Done Anything For Y'all Indeed Aye!

"gods" Sun, Slow Kill Government Experiment Continues, jesse & jd Boot fkd Off The Charge Charge Cut!

Lost Angels Californication Secret Path With O.P.P/O.W fullerton Puppets Mash!

Some "biblical They"s For Brantford PD, With Blackrock Vanguard Public Storage Terrorist Fun!

Also included and shall be added onto shortly are BELL folders and other evidence, see more below_

Copy of Bell cyber crimes OIPRD ADD ON 141 line recover ***REDACTED*** PUBLIC VERSION

Share "141 twitter Annette.PNG"

Hopefully whoever takes my report at Six Nations Police service does the right thing here because all can be rest assured it’s all coming out with or without me and so help you all if i still have this pulse the day said justice comes!

As i’ve said as well i suspect “Jeff” isn’t even Jeff as the main goal here of every level of government that has trespassed against us here is to destroy the car/evidence so if that was really Jeff the whole time i truly don’t know what to say about your actions here and why you would try to extort me in such ways when all i was ever trying to do is find Annette Marie and get justice for us all in regards to the ongoing mass democide which many Doctors agree has now culled 100’s of millions of people world wide if not 1 billion plus and soon to be more as billions have been poisoned with these nano bioweapons and now even the unvaxxed have this luciferian satanic garbage in us now! FACT FACT FACT!

Content from Edge of Wonders CIA Mind Control & Psychological Experiments video that was included in this edit is linked below! Whether you can see anything of my comments there who the hell knows!

Who cares either lol!

Lesson of the day creatures? Is what ever you do... DO "YOU" SO FKN GOOD THAT IT HURTS YEP! And if you can please do pray to your "god" lie that i'm REMOVED FROM THIS CESSPIT WORLD sooner rather than later why not!

Surely to fk you can do something i figure! Thanx a bunch creatures for sure yup!

Don't forget lucifer's cookies now ya hear CSIS demons, great work yep!

Holy shit pavlovski 49 minutes and only 89%?

par for the course i know how it goes!

Six Nations Police Service & "Jeff" Playlist (IN PROPER ORDER) will be linked below shortly! Like it bloody matters anyways! Lol like any one here watching me be fkn killed slowly is ever going to bloody do anything to help us here anyways i know how it goes! But hey at least share around so as many people as possible can see what it looks like when an idiot like me tries doing my part!

NEVER DO IT HELL NO! The full truth y'all need to be [set] free is just unacceptable i know!

Six Nations Police Service & "jeff" destroy the evidence & car now playlist yep!

FYI for all those “smart” people grammar nazi’s out there let it be known i shall not CAPITALIZE my “i”s no, as i prefer walking on water thanx yup!

Walking on water jeebus lie aye Ms Goldfishy mash.PNG

And don't forget now creatures! From the "word" of "god" written by "wo/man", always just DO YOU! So fkn good that it hurts like!

thanx so much for watching me be killed slowly for sure yep! Glad i could be your source of entertainment for being the fkn retard that tried to help y'all! lmfao!

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