5/13/24 Tug a war between Sun and Earth! Earthquake that pops it off! A comet will stir up the sea. June 6 2024 Lighting the match the ring of fire!

10 months ago

This video is for entertainment purposes only! if it happens it happens! energy can extend 2 weeks to 2 months!

tugawar planetary battle who is the center of the universe
Extended period of time
Comet will trigger water and crown of africa
new piece of land...eroded
big as the ark......
rising out of the water
preserve rock on lower mantle
pieces of rock stuck on this new piece of land rising from up under the water....
4 gas giants?
lions, gazelles and elephants
wet and dry season
Corona lighting the match ring of fire
africa is spliting and cracking
biblical the four swords that were on fire protecting the garden of eden
taking turns like ping pong
Gonwana 180 million years ago
doubles and two Laurasia
northian and southern continental pland mass
in sync...

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