Dark Mode JJRsvl Tribute to New Jersey Trump Rally 2024

9 months ago

As my follows know that I was out of from Mobile Social Media (since I am always on the go, doing something). I could listen mobile & rarely do I use my Video Project computer. EVEN NOW as I upload this Mobile Edited VIDEO on my work breaks is when I actually have down time to do so. When I do create from my Video Project PC, is when it is very robust vs. Mobile Phone.

I harken back to the mid-1990's, I was also a Conservative as I am today. But I listened to many forms of music, and XCops was one of them with a very memorable song "Welcome to New Jersey".

I know I went Dark Mode, but at least I "bleeped out the cursing". LOL- reference Michael Rappaport. If you know Dark Mode Dan Bongino, then you'd know what I am talking about.

I hope some headbanger Patriots enjoyed. If not your cup of tea, I understand.

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