False Prophets of the Sardis and Laodicean Eras.

8 months ago

SPECIAL COMMENTARY. The False Prophets of the Sardis and Laodicean Eras.
Additional Study Papers:-
No. 269 - False Prophecy - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p269.html
No. 76E - Why the Churches of God Collapsed from the US (No. 76E) - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p076e.html
No. 233B - The 18 Restored Truths of Herbert W. Armstrong - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p233b.html
No. 212J - Four Hundred Years of Abraham’s Legacy - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p212j.html
No. A_B2 - The Sabbatarians in Transylvania - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/a_b2.html
No. 158 - Frequently Asked Questions: The New Moons - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p158.html
No. 159B - Open Letter to the UCG Council of Elders - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p159b.html
No. 28 - Fire From Heaven - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p028.html
No. 44 - The Warning of the Last Days - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p044.html
No. 124 - Commentary on the UCG Doctrinal Paper: Should Christians Observe New Moons? - http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p124.html

(2Tim 2:15) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.

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