Personal chat, Russia/Ukraine, BRICS, GA, NJ rally, Cohen, Trump case

9 months ago

Sharing personal views/feelings (sorry)
Russia advances on Ukraine.
Fake news are starting to share about Trumps leading poll.
BRICS: to free the world from USD, Zimbabwe to join, N. Korea?
Taxes on Gold/Silver removed from 42 states now. more to come.
GA Board of Elections: Biden stole the 2020 election!
H5N1: they are going to try it again folks!
Trump Rally in Wildwood NJ: most historic 100,000!
Melinda Gates resigns from Foundation? why now?
Cohen lied 6 times in past. Why is he star witness?
Trump having support from Republicans in the court room.
Cohen has no new evidence on Trump.
Biden's IRS

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