Patrick Wood -W.E.F Klaus Schaub's Goal of Transhumanism, Merging Man w/Machine

4 months ago

This is the section of the High Wire Episode with just Patrick Wood, who has been studying & reporting Technocracy for over 30 years. He is the expert and an author of several books.
Klaus Schaub says they can ' hack human beings on a massive scale'. To create PsyBorgs that are part human part machine. "Science is replacing Evolution by Intelligent Design" says Hurari, of the W.E.F " not some God in the clouds" he states.The Covid 19 Injections have changed human DNA. By law nothing natural can be patented and owned, but when humans's Genentic Code is changed, they then are patented new creatures and can be owned. This is scary beyond imagination, but True as Hell.
Transhumanism is the philosophy; the dogma that humans can transcend the human condition to be tied into the internet. Klaus Schaub really has a God Complex that he and his cronies can do anything to Humanity.
It is a crime against humanity that the Interest in Justice Legal Team in Costa Rica is litigating for a Nuremberg Two World Tribunal. Please see the interview with them that is our top Video That Matters. Please donate too if you can. I wish we could get an update from them..
All the injections are GMO's, an assault on humanity. 72% of the population of the world have taken the genetically modified Covid bioweapon and their DNA has been changed.
They are slaughtering our food using the excuse of viruses. To make food shortages, starvation controls people.
Farmers need to say hell no, and not let them kill their livestock on such whims. Remember we have the 2nd Amendment for a very important reason folks...
Turbo Cancers are exploding, Deaths are ongoing,, from the new DNA inserted in people... changing everything about a person, changing from homo-sapien, and depopulating Earth .God Help us.

Everyone needs to be really angry now folks, get mad and let's stop the mother fuckers. Unite and Fight as if our lives depend on it, It sure does. Millions of people are harmed, and dying and need help, doctors and nurses are dying too. We're in trouble. is Patrick's website. I met him at the Crimes Against Humanity Tour in L.A. with our wonderful Reiner Fuellmich who is in Nazi Prison , they are both really good people. Heros.

You are invited to join our Protect and Alert Reddit page a Community discussions, with people of like mind, who realize that Direct Energy Weapons are being used and Weather Manipulation . Post your ChemTrail photos too if you are taking them..
Here's the link:

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