The Polymerization (Clotting) of Blood: A Model

9 months ago

Clifford Carnicom:

The video...represents a viable model to demonstrate and detail the polymerization process that is taking place in human blood as a consequence of the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB). The CDB is a genetically engineered, xenobiotic, synthetic life form that is at the crux of human health demise and threat over the past several decades. If you are in doubt as to the source and origin of the polymerization discussed here, you have a pardon to skip to the end of the video.

Although blood clotting appears to be visibly and significantly increased as a consequence of the “Covid Era”, the purported “vaccines” are not the origin or primary source of damage to the blood. The damage to the blood has a known and documented history of more than 25 years, and the processes described in this video have been active over this same time period. What is now different in the history of this research is the current ability to demonstrate the polymerization process via culture. The culture work has no direct association with “vaccine” materials, it is dependent solely upon the existence of the CDB. The CDB have the known ability to produce a series of polymers within the body, not one.

There are additional polymerization mechanisms that exist and that are not discussed here, especially the vulnerability of the double carbon bond to change to single bonds. Lots more study ahead, I am afraid.

All signs and indications are that the Covid Era has added an additional layer of egregious harm to human health that is more difficult to conceal. It is reasonable to presume that these factors include additional protein/genetic interactions between between the CDB and the various “vaccines”. It may involve polymerization as well, but we already have our hands full with a series of polymers produced by the CDB alone, along with known severe damage to blood. The constitution of the purported “vaccines” remains improperly and inadequately disclosed, and this is likely to remain so. It is best to work with the origin of a problem first, and then tackle the additional layers as further discovery and disclosure provide.

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