Pastor Gary Hamrick - Cornerstone Chapel - All Things Work Together for Good - Romans 8:28

9 months ago

When life is good, it’s easy to quote Romans 8:28 that “all things work together for good.” But what about when life is not so good… is this verse still true? Are other verses in the Bible still true when our life circumstances do not fit with the promises of the Bible? The answer is YES. It’s not that the Bible promise is lacking, it’s that our understanding or perspective is lacking. Today, Pastor Gary takes us through Romans 8:28 so that we can have a proper understanding and perspective of God’s promise that “all things work together for good.”

00:00 - All Things Work Together for Good
00:21 - Romans 8:28
06:30 - 1) "All things work together for good" does not equal "my expected outcome"
13:54 - 2) "All things work together for good" is the big picture, not the narrow view
17:15 - 3) "All things work together for good" because God is good.
19:45 - 4) "All things work together for good" to them that love the called
22:13 - 5) "All things work together for good" equals "God's intended purpose"

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