The Furious Monks - Watchers of the Abyss

9 months ago

Watchers of the Abyss

Watchers fall, descendin' down
Morals rot, they wear the crown
Heavy riff, like thunder sound
Guitars scream, the signs are found

Floodgates open, watch it rise
Cleansing fires in the skies

Watchers' pride, they took the plunge
Corrupted hearts, the earth, it lunged
Into the depths of sin's embrace
Humanity lost in disgrace

And the waters, they rose with a fury untold
As the old world was swallowed, the bell of doom tolled

Fallen from the sky, the Watchers rule the land
Bred deceit and sin, with their defiant hand
Corrupted bloodlines, the offspring of their rage
Now the world must clean, turn another page

Floodwaters rise, washing the slate clean
In the fury's wake, nothing left to be seen

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