EBB Versus Cosplayers (Rumble Version, less censored)

9 months ago

Alright, alright, alright, let's get the links out of the way:

My links: https://linktr.ee/ElBoricuaBlanco

Gabrielle's Highlight: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17963130860054063/

Kiwi Tapes' Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kiwitapes (I'm not directly tagging him because I don't want to annoy him)

Gabrielle's Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/DADVBN6UQVV3?ref_=wl_share

The Slappable Jerk's Nice Guy Analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ7ellrSPU8

Guncaster Mod: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=37066

scytheii.wad: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/scythe2

We Gucci? Aight.

So, why did I create this video in the first place?

Well, the old EBB Versus Cosplayers video was kind of garbage and I also think the gameplay looks microwaved. I made that video on my old, mid-tier 2017 gaming computer that would have a heart attack every time I tried to do more than play old games on it. It took me 20 MINUTES to export my video from my editing software.

This video was made with better-looking gameplay because I set the bit rate to something that didn't look absolutely horrendous. 40000 kbps was the magic value to make my video look actually good.

The mic is garbage because I'm still using the mic I was using back in 2020. I don't have enough money to replace the microphone because most of my money goes toward what I need and I don't need a new mic. I can't eat a microphone, and the microphone isn't the highest priority right now for me.

I wish I could've gotten the video out sooner, but life got in the way. I had to go to the gym, go out to buy things, and do things on my computer. I can't no-life YouTube, at least not yet, hopefully.

This video was mostly an anger relief mechanism, and I feel a lot better after making this video. If I sound really angry in this video, I AM. But after the video was done and dusted, I felt a lot better.

This video was also an excuse to write. I wrote the script all by myself in Grammarly and boy, was it fun.

I genuinely hope people enjoy this. Also, I know people aren't going to care, and that's fine. That wasn't the point of this video.

EBB out.

Also, the Wolfenstein Review is gonna take a while because of how absolutely gargantuan the script is. If anyone wants to help me, tell me in the comments below.

cosplay cosplayers cosplayer cosplaygirl commentary commentarychannel rant rantvideo angry funny funnyvideo smallchannel tiny puertorican autism autistic comics superhero niceguysyndrome niceguys northcarolina

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