🚨🚨🚨 You are all living in a world of lies, Wake up...!!!!

9 months ago

When I was growing up, I always felt like there was something wrong in the world - After the #COVID #Vaccine, I knew for a fact that something was terribly wrong, so I started doing relentless research every single day. I dedicate every minute of my spare time to understand what’s going on to share it with you guys - Here are some things that made me realize that we are being LIED to on a massive scale 🧐 :

(1) Vaccines are NOT safe for humans or animals - My research shows they’re being used to injure and kill beings indiscriminately. I’m not sure if it’s for profit or to keep the population down or BOTH.

Do you know why they have to keep the population as low as possible? Because if there are too many of us, we would figure out the game that’s being played on us

(2) Most of our food products have things that are not safe for human consumption = RED 40 is an example

(3) They put stuff in our water supply = Atrazine and Fluoride are examples

(4) Corporations and Central banks are really the ones that control our world - Our politicians are nothing but scripted actors that work for the best interest of these bankers and corporations

(5) The mainstream media work for these same corporations and central bankers.

The media destroys anyone that gets too close to the truth

The media elevates their chosen people into desired positions of POWER

The media has the ability to amplify any message, just like they have the ability to make any story disappear by not talking about it at all

(6) Central banks and government artificially induce crisis throughout history. Government spending and printing of money causes inflation, then banks raise interest rates, which increases the cost of borrowing and VOILA, here is your cost of living crisis

(7) The earth is not a spinning ball that’s flying through space - We are stationary and NOT spinning around in circles - There is a firmament (dome) that surrounds our planet

(8) The North Pole is the Centre of the World - Do you know that the North Pole was mapped before, BUT they removed the maps and claim there is nothing but ice there😆

Do you know that the tallest mountain in the world is at the North Pole?

Do you know that your compass points north towards the magnetic mountain that’s at the North Pole? The Rupes Nigra, also known as BlackRock is at the North Pole

Use the search bar on the top of my page and look for some info I posted about the North Pole

(9) Human beings are not allowed to freely explore Antarctica or go past it, even though Admiral Byrd admitted that there is LAND as big as the United States that remains unexplored there - Have you heard about the Antarctic treaty?

(10) Human beings never went to the moon - How did they get past the Van Allen Radiation belt? The spaceship has to refuel about 9X before reaching the moon, how did they do that? How is it possible that we lost the technology for going back to the moon? Technology never goes backwards.

(11) Only 5% of our oceans have been explored, but we want to go to space? How ridiculous is that? We haven’t fully explored our own house, but we are going to explore someone else’s house?

(12) The Sun is NOT a ball of fire that is going to explode at some point😆

Who is deceiving and hurting us on such a massive scale and WHY? How is it possible that so many people are in on it?

Humanity deserves to know the TRUTH about our reality and I will NEVER stop fighting for it - I hope you feel the same way, because without your help, there’s not much people like me can do. We have to do this TOGETHER❤️

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