10 months ago

Do you know where we are at, on the prophetic timeline? How many souls have died, since 2020 from the toxic injection pandemic, also from war and increasing cold blooded political assassination, murder and other violence? MILLIONS upon MILLIONS! The lastest estimate is that 17 million have already died, worldwide, just only from the needle, as of early 2024. Unfortunately, many more shall die. Some unknown percentage were unknowingly lucky to have received saline, also those less lucky, yet also lucky enough to have received less effective to almost ineffective doses. Even so, they still had unnatural, dangerous elements infused into their bloodstream, distributed throughout every organ of their bodies. So, for them, it's just a matter of time, not a question of IF, but only a matter of WHEN. Then, we also have everything being poisoned, in some form, from water, food and air.


This is the PALE HORSE. I know many will disagree, but not here to argue, not even time left to debate. Nor is there time to spell it all out for you, in detail, here. So, knowing this won't suffice, I will still provide a basic, summary outline, leading to where I believe we are.

First up, the WHITE HORSE*. Arab Spring, Islam and Catholicism.
More simply, the Vatican and "Chrislam" / ecumenicalism / one world religion. This white horse reminds us of the resemblance to Messiah.
FALSE RELIGION. To get into the relativity of Mohammed, the archer's bow, etc. would take too long. Fake religion is followed by it being the cause of war. We've seen plenty and more than enough of this. But, here it comes!....

Hear it, straight from the horse's mouth.
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The RED HORSE. Wars and rumors of wars (or skirmishes / little, local and/or short wars or large scale social unrest with much violence). Red is the color of the passions, of love and hate, cooling or heating the blood. It is also the adopted color of devilish red and communism. War's destruction is inevitably followed by food shortage, famine and (with physical breakdown and weakened immunity systems) disease. When the U.S.A. initiated "Desert Storm" - Modern Babylon attacking ancient Babylon - this began the period of endless wars.

Daniel 9:26 And after the 62 weeks, Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself. And the people of a leader who is coming will destroy the city and the holy place. And ITS end will be by the flood (military invasion). And until THE end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations.
*(( Not the typical territorial wars, but spiritual warfare. ))

The BLACK HORSE. Food shortages, famine, inflation. As we are witnessing, these are not only due to war, as our current war is atypical, be also due to food control, along with unnecessary recalls and kills, supposedly due to disease in animals, crops and processed foods, also disruption of the food chain / shipping and access.
( Keep in mind, these horsemen don't simply ride away, they join up in coming one after the other, riding and galloping together. )

RED + BLACK = colors of ha'satan and satanists, also blood and death.

PALE: Something like an apparition, almost transparent, not easily seen.
Think of the final, 7th censer, the most wrathful payback. (air)
Chem-trails (part of "geo-engineering") and microscopic elements, such as nano-technology. Also, deeper into translation, there is a GREEN hue inferred. How about "climate change" and the "green new deal"?
Also, look at the flags of Islamic nations. All of them include two or more
of these four colors ( white, red, black, green ). A history search of their flags and banners, or standards, shows at least one of these colors used.
And PER PALE means divided, such as found in heraldry, also as in perdition
means vs. addition > destruction vs. construction. (John 17:12 & 2Thes. 2:3)

ONLY in this final case is the rider given a name. "DEATH"...
and "hell" (death/grave or pit of death) follows closely behind him (swift).


Not another earthly event, but an interlude revealing the MARTYRS of this GREAT TRIBULATION. Yet, this is only the beginning of suffering, according to our Messiah's own words. ( Mat.24:8 )
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (within / traitorship / coup ) . And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse (many, widespread) places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows (birth pangs).
They are given WHITE ROBES and told to REST in death, a little bit longer, until the rest of those faithful shall also be martyred.
VERSE 9 - Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.

A point of interest; The verses in which each horse appears.
1, 3, 5, 7.. the martyrs.. 9

Messiah is trying to convey to us that these first four TRIBULATION events account for many, but not all, souls that will be put to death.
WHY are the others going to seen in a WHOLE next CHAPTER? Ah-HA!

Everyone heads for the highest hills and mountains, due to a great quake.
( NO doubt, tsunamis also! )
All who remain and make it to high ground what to hide from what appears to be the DAY OF WRATH.

Oh, that day has arrived, but there is more to still come!!!
Yah's ("God's") wrath is just getting started!
And this is where it gets PHENOMENALLY interesting!
WHY is the 7th SEAL not yet opened? WHY does the unsealing happen, not only in an entirely different chapter, but TWO more chapters away?
-- Have you EVER asked yourself this???
-- Another question; Ever noticed the events of GENESIS 6, the FIRST "BOOK" of the "BIBLE" and how the SEALS or opened in the LAST BOOK in REVELATIONS 6?



Four angels hold back the four winds, so that nothing is harmed nor destroyed. Not the land, the waters below nor the anything upon it, above.
"Winds"? Is the next destruction by WIND or COMING on the wind?
Is this simply protective or is it a FINAL DELAY = brief last chance.
( Ezekiel 12:21-28 & Rev.10:6 )
This is what I pray for, daily, considering the situation the U.S.A. and world is in, right now, at this very moment in time. Speaking of which, could it actually be a literal stopping of time, itself? We won't know it!
IF we do get a second chance, BE WARNED!> Do not say, "Peace and Security" if DJT wins OR should any other "savior" show up on the scene.
( 1Thes. 5:3 ) If we DARE declare "victory!", without given Yah the glory, we are doomed! 🟡

144,000 are sealed, before the winds of destruction are released.
Yes, these are from the HEBREW (vs. gentile) tribes of Israel / Jacob.
As symbolic as Revelations is, gentiles are not descendants of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. There is no implied hint or implication that they are of any other lineage than as stated. Nor does it actually state whether they are alive or already dead.
HOWEVER, considering we have just previously seen some of the martyrs
and are about to see more of the dead, wouldn't it make sense?
On the other hand, SEALED for what? Protection? Or marked for "firstfruit" status and martyrdom? ( Immediate resurrection, as those raised right after Messiah, who couldn't be touched before ascending with them, into heaven, before returning to Earth for 40 days?
( Here, there is a theoretical mystery, too deep to go into. )

4,4, VERSE 9
A great multitude before the Throne, enrobed in white [light].
They "came out of" the great tribulation. Not escaped, but were witnesses of and suffered IN the tribulation. It's the first ones seen and the last martyrs and faithful dead, from all over Earth.
Much tribulation, much martyrdom.
This clearly indicates that (and fits into) the FIRST RESURRECTION,
but which we see occurs later, after still more events.

1. The first martyrs who were still at rest (their blood crying out).
2. 144,000 sealed among the Hebrew Israelis (about to die, next).
3. The resurrection THEN AFTER takes place.

Verse 1 Silence in heaven for about a half hour.
(Literal or do we need some math? 1000 years X 365 days X 24 hours,
then divided by 0.5 ) The time period of the final delay?
2 Seven Angels given 7 Shofars/Trumpets
3 Angel of the Altar (martyrs) with incense/prayers, light with fire.
4 Smoke ascends before Throne (no one may enter Heaven)
5 Hurls toward Earth - lightning, thunder, voices, quake. ( 6th Seal ).
6. Seven angels prepare to trumpet the Shofars.
7. THE SEVENTH SEAL!!! (following the silence)

Not going much further.
This is THE EVENT that signals the TWO WITNESSES to start prophesying for a 42 MONTHS period! Thus, there are only 3.5 years left remaining,
until the final WRATH begins and this world comes to its END, by the seven final plagues / Censers. (More censers? More martyrdom!)

Skipping ahead - the final three Shofars are 3 WOES.
Then key to fitting the entire 3.5 years timeline into place is finding EXACTLY where all 3 are proclaimed.

The beast (anti-messiah) of the beast system arises to power, showing up in Jerusalem and he has the TWO WITNESSES killed, but not buried.
3 days later, as the 7th Angel prepares (begins) to trumpet,
As the Shofar STARTS to BLAST, the RAPTURE!

The "church"/ congregation, or body of Messiah has arisen and is not in heaven (the sky) above. This is the FIRST HARVEST of white barley wheat.
Here comes the great army (again, returning) to do battle against "GOD", in Jerusalem. SECOND HARVEST of the grapes and vines.

What comes quickly is not just the 3rd Woe, not just the 7th Shofar,
but complete and utter destruction - the 7 Censers poured out in rapid fire succession, like SEVEN LIGHTNINGS/THUNDERS!


Apocalypse mean "unfolding".
Do you.. can you see?
Rev.6 the WRATH has come, is upon us!
>>>Earth is starting to reel and tremble.
( Eventually, days cut by 1/3 = 16 hrs. long )< 4th Shofar
>>>More occurs, within 1,260 days.
Shofar 7 the quake is growing, spreading across and through Earth.
and the Censers finish off the full destruction. Quake reaches Jerusalem!
The city is split into 3 parts, waters flowing out into 3 directions
(or from once source, into two directions = 3 rivers)
This means Messiah has set his feet upon the Earth!


I hope I haven't made too many typos.
As they are now saying, more than ever, "ENJOY THE SHOW"!
No one gets out alive,... except for the remnant raptured.🙏
NUMBERS 6:24-26

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Mr. Rood and I do not agree upon everything.
He is rock solid in doctrine, though.

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