Clif High - Drone Season Opening Up

9 months ago

Hello, humans. Hello, humans. Monday morning, May 13. It's probably around 730 or something. Something like that. Sun's up. We're out here having some coffee, watching people drive by on the road.
We've got a kite that's been stuck on our property. A little girl let go of a string, apparently, and it got hung up on some trees, and it's been up there now two days, just flying away. Probably it's flown several hundred miles in the wind without going anywhere. Anyway, so we've got a new crop of medbed scammers popping up, so watch out for that.
Uh, med beds don't exist. And after, and even if they did, so now postulate this guys, uh, you get an ad in your local, uh, in your, maybe in your mail or something, right? For a local med bed place and it's being offered, or maybe it's national and they're telling you about it and, and they're rolling out the med beds, right? And it's a national program and stuff.
Now, of course, bear in mind, the same people that are rolling these med beds out are the same people that brought you, you know, COVID, right? So are you going to go get into a machine that's going to zap your body with all different kinds of energies? And you're going to trust the fuckers aren't going to, you know, turn you into some kind of a mutant, right?
Even if they had no evil intent, which we know they do, they want to depopulate. And so maybe it's like an incinerator bid, right? Or it's a med bid, and five days later, you know, five days, six hours, and two minutes later, you fall over dead. That kind of thing. And they can program it. Are you going to trust these fuckers? That's what really gets me, is, you know, all of these supposed researcher guys, right? Like...
Charlie Ward at all, right? These guys don't ever do any research and all they do is support these memes, these meme waves that are all in support of the establishment. Nasera and Gasara support fiat currency, okay?
It's a fiat currency scheme in which supposedly they're going to upend the whole thing, and the people on the bottom become the people on the top. This is a PSYOP. Okay, so there has never been any signed law in Nassara, and Bush did not hide anything. You don't have secret laws passed by our Congress yet. All right, they'll get to that. That's what they did in Germany.
And we're pretty close to that. But in any event, though, so new med bed scammers, don't fall for it. Stay the fuck away from it. Or if you think they're real and they're going to help you, go and sign up. You know, get your energies all just thrashed and your electricity and your body all fucked over by these people. You know, because you're stupid or because you fall for their scam because you haven't yet learned.
So anyway, you know, people that bring up med bits to me are, it's like, how stupid do you really think I am, you know? Okay, so next item of business here is that we're actually cracking the wall of denial on chemtrails. So May is Chemtrail Awareness Month. It's actually taken off. It's also been picked up by a bunch of Brits.
And because of the concentration of the population relative to the size of the media in Britain, we're getting a response back from their mainstream media where they're having to adjust their stories to account for our efforts at exposing chemtrails. Now chemtrails are not, you know, an evil plot to depopulate and turn frogs gay and you gay and make you fat and all this other stuff.
Instead, chemtrails are now the sign of airlines battling it out over, you know, for supremacy in the airline world with their and they're having so many flights. They've got contrails up there.
Bear in mind, since the year 2000, we have not used, in the Western world, we have not used any water-injected engines in commercial or military flight. Maybe there were a couple that ran in military as late as 2003, but nothing beyond that, okay? Contrails don't exist because of a jet engine. They exist because of a water-injected jet engine. So...
Anyway, so contrails don't exist anymore. They're all chemtrails. And we're starting to crack through their wall of denial. So this is very interesting because now we could say, you know, June is or July is Elohim Space Alien Awareness Month, right? And we all start talking about how the...
The Pharisees and the rabbinical Talmudians worship these space aliens and are anti-human and trying to depopulate humanity and killing people and doing ritual sacrifice and all this kind of shit because of their relationship to these space aliens. And, you know, what's the media going to do? They're having a hard enough time coping with us bringing awareness chemtrails.
So, you know, they've got a real problem. It's starting to show now. And they're starting to have to react, something they never wanted to do. And yet here we are. We're taking over the media. We're taking over direction in the media. And so we can decide, right? So it's just a couple of us guys that started the May is Chemtrail Awareness Month, right?
So, you know, pick your favorite conspiracy and make it a holiday, make it an observational thing. So, you know, maybe on 4th of July, we add in, you know, the remembrance of the COVID dead, you know, that kind of thing, right? And talk all about how it was a scam and, you know, they were killed by the shot and this kind of thing. And there is nothing the media can do because they really lost their power.
And we're now in control. So the cracking wall of denial is falling away.
Okay, so one other thing is that we're going to have a situation here in the United States where we're going to have a drone attack, okay? Now, in my opinion, the results of the drone attack will be very much more interesting than the drone attack itself. So somebody's going to use a drone and attack some kind of a public facility. Beyond that, I don't know. You know, it could be a water plant. You know, it could be a...
you know, community kitchen, who the hell knows, right? It's not like it's a major target kind of a thing, but nonetheless, it appears as though we're going to get a certain amount of press coverage with it nationally, and it'll trend on Twitter, you know, and we're probably going to
have a lot of people claim that this is a Hamas drone attack, okay, or a terrorist drone attack, however you want to phrase it. But the upshot of this for me is going to be that it's going to completely obliterate the FAA and law enforcement insofar as anybody shooting at drones.
Because now you'll be able to legitimately say, I just assumed, I just thought it was a Hamas drone, you know, a terrorist drone. And that was coming to attack us. And so I blew the fuck out of it, right? Right now, you can't do this, even if the fuckers are over your property. Because the FAA considers them to be an aircraft. And so you fall afoul of the, you know, anti-terrorism against aircraft laws. And there's a shitload of them.
and Homeland Security and all these fuckers would come and get you. Uh, so anyway, though, after this, uh, drone attack, uh, you'll see other people shooting drones down and then it'll be pretty much open season on drones here, uh, in North America, uh, because of that single attack, it'll remove their, um,
rationale in their claim to authority over this space relative to people shooting down drones. And, you know, they'll say, okay, fine. People generally, the attitude will be, okay, fine. You know, so-and-so got blown the fuck up by a drone. So I'll shoot one down if it comes over my property and I'll deal with you fuckers later, meaning the authorities, right?
Because you're not going to, in other words, you're not going to allow someone to kill you. And you're going to not subject yourself to needless risk. You'll just blow the shit out of the drone as soon as you see it. And you won't face any consequences because, in your mind, all drones are now Hamas terrorist attack drones.
Sorry about that. I'm going to walk around here for a second. Okay. Anyway, so there's that. All right. So...
All right, so people have to understand what we're going to be going through. The powers that be had a real problem. They created fiat money. Fiat money has a side effect, okay? A side effect socially. Fiat money brings forward births.
Because you feel rich, you think, oh, I can afford a kid, right? And so you will have a child that you might not have had had you been struggling to make it through yourself in terms of you and the family as it's constituted. And so fiat money creates baby booms the same way that it creates boom and bust cycle within the speculation community, okay, by an illusion of
That's created by the flow of the fiat money through your hands and making you think that you are wealthier than you are when reality really it's all the society going deeper and deeper into debt over this.
Now, there's a way to fix all of this relatively simple. It just takes political will to do it. I don't know if we'll do it. But what I wanted to bring up was we are likely to have a... Okay, so we have baby booms. I was part of one. I was born in the middle of one. Largest number of humans born on the planet in that generation in modern history, right? And...
That has consequences all throughout the lives of those individuals within these baby booms, right? And we've had many of these baby booms since then, coincident with all of the easing of the monetary policy, which is basically recreating more and more fiat and flowing it through the system faster so that everybody feels wealthier. And so they will
And then they altered the social order itself in terms of how they did things. But nonetheless, so we've had baby booms originate from booms in fiat currency creation.
These baby booms impact the entire social order. Okay, we have to build out to accommodate it. We built more primary schools when I was a kid than ever in history, right? We hired more teachers, et cetera, et cetera. And so it has consequences all through the entire social order. Now that the money is dying, look at how the society is caving in and being hollowed out.
There's no longer this impetus to build because we don't have these baby booms because we're on the death end of the fiat currency. And look at how all of the people are killing themselves one way or another. If it's not drugs, it's wasting their mind on porn or turning themselves into some kind of drug.
Some other gender neuter monster. Right. And so we see these reactions as a natural consequence of the death of the fiat. But also within there, there is the organized death that's required by the system itself. And this debt is required because the system has to support us in our old age through this scheme that they called Social Security.
And so under the Social Security scheme, they have to have money to keep you going because you pay into it and you give them the money in your youth. And they don't actually buy investments or any of that. It's just a pool and they're paying out on existing people making claims on the Social Security system now.
and you're supporting them with your social security dollars, which are not going into an investment for your old age. So now they've got a problem where they have to pay out more than can possibly be coming in due to the nature of the currency itself and its purchasing power. This has been ongoing for 35 years or so, maybe 40 years. And so the solution for them, for the managers of the social order is,
uh for the elohim worship cult and the elohim behind them the solution for them is to to dampen down on the currency creation you know close the spigot and kill a bunch of people off so they don't have to pay the social security because the the purchasing power and the money is dying in any event right and so that's why we find ourselves where we are at today uh
They need to kill off a sizable portion of the aging population and hook in all of these invaders to be, you know, paying and working and all of this kind of shit. Now, these guys are really fucked. They're really stupid. The mother wefonians and all of these people, they don't understand. Or maybe they've got another plan. But if they're planning on keeping the fiat,
money system going and integrating the invader class into a consumer class, you know, making them into a new consumer class, it's just not going to work for many, many, many different reasons, a lot of which have to do with where we're at relative to these strange energies from space.
In any event, so we could have expected a mass die-off one way or another without COVID simply to meet their needs that they don't have to pay out the Social Security. If they have to pay out the Social Security to the baby boom generation and keep paying it, and then the generations that follow just to get through the baby boom generation will bankrupt the system because our generation was so large.
And we contributed so much and we're expecting to haul out that much, right? So the system is crashing at that level and they have to do something. COVID was their response. It's the same kind of thing that we ran into at the beginning of last century. And isn't it curious that at the beginning of every century we go through one of these episodes, right?
It's all planned. Anyway, they're not going to end up with the result that they expect. We have a bunch of external intrusions into their plan this time, one of which is that humanity itself is under a great deal of strain and stress as a result of the shift of the ages, of moving out of the...
Kali Yuga into the Bronze Age, into the Dwapara Yuga. Anyway, so that level of death is going to continue because of the injections that they've already put into us. We can expect
Because of the nature of what they're doing, they're trying to accelerate it, okay? So they wanted to kill off my generation. They gave my generation the largest bloom of cancer we've ever seen in humanity, right? With the Salk polio vaccine. I had cancer three times and I survived, but a lot of my cohort did not. Lots of people I grew up with died of cancer.
in their late 50s and early 60s. I died of cancer at 65. So this was a designed plan, but it didn't work because it wasn't as effective as they needed it to be, and they didn't anticipate, I don't think, the necessity for greater levels of easing of the currency, which caused more population to be brought forward in time.
thus piling in on their problem. And so they really had to get serious and they decided they were going to just inject everybody, but it wasn't good enough to inject them with vaccines that would kill them in 60 years, right? They needed something much more acute, something that would do it within the next couple of weeks out to a few months out to like five years. They, the, basically the whole thing was a forecast on the Deagle site, um, saying that by 2025 USA would have lost 175 million people. Um,
Again, that's where we are today. All this stuff is factored in. It's all part of a big stew. OK, so I'm still working some data sets, a few temporal markers. I'm still waiting. Then I'll be able to talk about what maybe is the import of these things. They'll be kind of odd.
Some relate to the Vatican and its announcement that on May 17th, it's going to come on out and tell everybody how to think about
what it called apparitions and supernatural phenomena, by which we know they mean space aliens. And I'm expecting others. So I'm expecting two other announcements relative to space aliens before we get into the space aliens. So I'm expecting an announcement that would be extra, would be outside the Western world. So maybe Russia, maybe China, you know, something like that. Maybe Japan would qualify.
But it's really part of the Western world in so far as the thinking there. But in any event, so I'm expecting another governmental level announcement about apparitions and space phenomena. I don't know how they're going to phrase it. I don't know the words they're going to use. And this is what.
I'm waiting to find out is what sets are going to be involved in these announcements and what they're going to say will tell me which of these sets. And then I'm going in and look and see what other ramifications may be coming out of it. Anyway, so I'm expecting these two other announcements probably before the end of June. We should get into them.
maybe it'll be before the middle of July, they'll allow me to go on in and figure out which of the sets are going to be active and prescient as opposed to falling off on the side, so to speak, right? All right. What else?
Okay, so we're going to get the announcements over the space aliens and other language, other wording.
From the Vatican. And then we'll also have two other announcements, but there'll be a lot of discussion about this and about the developing space alien meme over summer. This is part of the falling off of the media and their ability to control shit because they definitely don't want us talking about that.
So these are the markers I'm looking forward to. And I should be able to respond on some of these things relatively quickly in terms of how rapidly they're developing. Because I expect them fairly soon. What else? There's a bunch of other shit going on, but I'll let it go at that for today. I'm keeping track of this because I'm expecting something to pop up.
that would be really noteworthy and interesting to discuss within the next few days. So anyway, take care, guys. We're there. We're moving past M9, and things are going to really start manifesting.

Aether Pirates of the Matterium!

13 May 2024 #clifhigh #Clifhighbitchute
Explorers' Guide To Scifi World - Clif High

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