Genesis 1:3-31 “Does God Exist Part II” Days of Creation 5/12/24

9 months ago

As we dig into the days of creation, there are some things to note.
1. There are six days that God created something.
2. God spoke creation into existence…He spoke, and He formed something from nothing.
3. The day God created began in the evening. The Hebrew word for evening is erev (eh'-rev), and it means “dusk” or “sunset.”
Bear in mind God created the day to begin at sundown, continue through the morning and afternoon, and end at sunset the next day.
4. God named His creation but allowed man to name the animals.
5. At some point before God created the universe and man…He created the angels.
In Job, God told him:
“When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God (the angels) shouted for joy?” (Job 38:7 ESV)
As God was creating, the angels were sitting in the bleachers going, “OOH and AAH!”
We do not know when God created them.
They were created to serve and worship God, so they may have existed for millions of years before the universe and man were created.
So, keeping all that in mind, let's dig into the existence of God in creation.
The simplest evidence for the existence of God is that He tells us that He created everything.
As we look around, we see the handiwork of God all around us.

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