Vernon County (MO) Delegate Reinstatement - MO GOP CD4 Meeting

8 months ago

This video features the reinstatement of the Vernon County (MO) delegates to be included in the 2024 MO GOP Congressional District #4 meeting.

The CD4 credential committee report was given, followed by the committee's reasons for disallowing the Vernon County delegates to participate in the meeting. The credential committee chairman made a motion to accept the credential committee's report. Before the motion could be seconded, a substitute motion was made by Sophia Shore (Camden County delegate) to move Vernon County back into the credentials report and requested that Cyndia Haggard (Vernon County delegate) speak on behalf of her delegation's case to be reinstated.

Cyndia was given three minutes to speak in favor of the substitute motion. Following Cyndia's speech, Sophia was granted a point of personal privilege to further explain the substitute motion.

The credential committee chair was then given three minutes to speak against the substitute motion.

Sophia requested a county-by-county roll call vote. The motion to reinstate the Vernon County delegates passed 84-38 (75 percent). As a result, the four Vernon County delegates were seated as participants in CD4.

This meeting happed on Saturday, April 6 in Sedalia, MO at Smith-Cotton High School.

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