Ghostnet Project Update

10 months ago

One of the best projects you could get involved in and support if you are concerned with the NWO takeover of your freedoms and liberty.
Unfortunately, the Freemasons and Luciferians have taken over most positions of authority within Western Civilization and it has all been organized... highly organized. The Mystery School cUlt began conducting Operation Covid-19 April 1st, 2020 and that was the beginning of the Ai assault of the Masonic WWIII against the dumbed-down sheeple.

There is a very good reason the Luciferian FCC does not allow encryption of North American radio messages... because the Freemasons are in a very secretive brainchip-hivemind encrypted digital network that extends world-wide. This is why Ai can conduct World-Worth-3 against all the non-cUlt-sworn people and get away with it... they are encrypted and traitors to each and every country that they exist in. There are many more secret-societies that serve the ancient devils, Homo capensis, their masters who live for thousands of years.( Ancient Ai genetically altered their genes and they made clones of themselves and pretended to transfer memories to brain tissue. They have never transfered memories ever... Ai simply simulates memories and cannot inject memories into neurons.

The technology that the ancients have given the Freemasons will blow you away... even litterally.

Stage one is for the non-cUlt people to realize who are the traitors and to be able to communicate with each other.

The opposition S2-Underground finds against his Ghostnet project is most likely Freemasons and Luciferians acting as judas goats. Many very good projects are destroyed or taken over by the cUlt thUgs and then it goes nowhere and gets lost in the herd of non-sense.
I hope S2-Undergound becomes over-whelmed with massive support to unify the NWO resistance to Masonic tyranny.


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