3 Games of Fright

10 months ago

This Lets Play will cover 3 games of Fright. Flee, Glass Of Water, and Late Night Mop. Come with me and will explor an abandonded home where somthing bad happened. Then will have an adventure in just trying to get a glass of water. Finally we will end the night by cleaning a hous in the middel of the night.
Video Edited by Megan Heaton: megan heaton0324@gmail.com
Midnight Games audio sound
Link: https://freesound.org/people/zagi2/sounds/263119/

Flee Link: https://valcy.itch.io/flee-valcy
Glass Of Water Link: https://hossa-and-hazem.itch.io/glass-of-water
Late Night Mop Link: https://lixiangames.itch.io/late-night-mop

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