Abortion - State Ballot Initiatives - Mat Staver

9 months ago

Join Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, in an essential training seminar focusing on what you can do to help protect the innocent and defenseless unborn. In these unprecedented times YOU are the deciding factor in helping to save the lives of the next generation. Stand up, be counted, and get involved today! Learn your rights, and get equipped to help stand for life!
Originally posted: https://leadershipinstitute.zoom.us/rec/play/YVV6K_91a7J68K8-HBt-3ZEghfcwEhHrNvP4u5VXR-7lK47Qny4Q-90aiLx2kY6jvXj_UFcurLzTqTrm.c1Ya8LCBG_qE8uRa?hasValidToken=false&canPlayFromShare=true&from=share_recording_detail&continueMode=true&componentName=rec-play&originRequestUrl=https://leadershipinstitute.zoom.us/rec/share/vBHfSETOpz0BXRBSNnKOtnI3vNTn5d3s56rhYwZxHUxWSx6l-S4XgpHwnA8X3NuI.v8xpSvYls5x303_V

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