Sister of Slain Soldier: "Refuse orders! Return home before you return home in a coffin!"

8 months ago

Update: FYI this is from 2006. The 2nd Lebanon war. Shosha Greenfield is very active in exposing the elites agenda. It’s scary that it’s so relevant today almost 20 years later…

The sister of IDF soldier Yehuda Greenfield speaking at her brother's funeral. Years ago she was thrown out of Gush Katif when Israel destroyed its Jewish communities. She accused the government of being an elitist dictatorship that is staging a cynical war as part of a pogrom against the Jewish people, with the goal of uprooting Jewish communities in Yehuda and Shomron. She passionately urged the soldiers to prevent this from happening by refusing orders to go into Gaza and return home, lest they return home in a coffin like her brother. She warned him as well, and he agreed with her, but sadly followed orders and met a tragic end.

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