मुसलमान नरक की आग से कैसे बच सकते हैं? (How Can Muslims Avoid Hellfire?)

9 months ago

Case 1 (Qur'an tafsir 19:71 by Ibn Kathir)
Imam Ahmad narrated that Sulaiman Ibn Harb narrated that Khalid Ibn Sulaiman narrated that Kathir Ibn Ziad Al- Barsani narrated that Abu Sumaya said, "We differed about the meaning of ‘Passing through it’ or wari-duha. For some of us said that no believer will enter hell and others said all people shall enter it and then Allah will save those who have done righteousness.
Then Jabir Ibn Abdallah came to meet him. Abu Sumaya: Ibn Abdallah, we have different opinions about the meaning of ‘Pass through it' in Quran, Surah Maryam, verse 71. What do you think about it? Jabir Ibn Abdallah: The meaning is "EVERYONE SHALL ENTER IT (hell)."

Case 2 (Qur'an tafsir 19:71 by Tabari, hadith number 23924, 23927)
Also narrated by Abdel Razak, narrated by Ibn Ayena, narrated by Ismail Ibn Abu Khalid, narrated by Qais Ibn Abu Hazem who said that Abdallah Ibn Rawaha placed his head on his wife’s lap and BEGAN TO WEEP, so his wife began to weep also. So he asked her, "Why are you weeping?" She responded, "I saw you weeping, so I started to weep." He said, "I remembered the saying of Allah - who is glorified and exalted- (Surah 19:71) ‘Not one of you but will go down to it,’ AND I DON’T KNOW IF I WILL BE SAVED FROM IT OR NOT." In another narration it adds the phrase, ‘he said this while he was ill.’

Case 3 (Qur'an tafsir 19:71 by Tabari, hadith number 23923)
Also narrated by Ibn Jarir, narrated by Abu Kurayb, narrated by Ibn Yaman, narrated by Malik Ibn Maghul, narrated by Ibn Ishaq who said, "Whenever Abu Maysarah would lie down on his bed he would say, ‘I wish my mother had never bore me.’ And then he would begin to weep. When asked why he was weeping he would respond, ‘We were told that WE WOULD ENTER HELL, BUT WE WEREN’T TOLD THAT WE WOULD EXIT FROM IT.’"

Case 4 (Qur'an tafsir 19:71 by Tabari, hadith number 23938)
Narrated by Ibn Jarir, narrated by Muhammad Ibn Ubaid Al-Mihrabu, narrated by Asbat, narrated by Abdel Malik, narrated by Ubaid Allah, narrated by Mujahid who said, "I was in the company of Ibn Abbas when a man called Abu Rashid, who is also known as Nafi Al-Azraq, came and asked Ibn Abbas, ‘Have you seen the saying of Allah (Surah 19:71) ‘Not one of you but will pass through (Waridu-ha) hell: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished?’
Ibn Abbas replied, ‘As for you and I, O Abu Rashid, WE SHALL ENTER IT (hell), but let us see WHETHER we shall exit from it or not.’"

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