Why Does God Get to Judge? Examining God’s Justice

9 months ago

Why should God get to decide what’s just? And how can God be just if he simply forgives people for their sin when they place their faith in Jesus? How is that fair?

Scott and Shawn dig into the challenging subject of God’s justice and discover that the key to understanding God’s justice is to begin with the question, “What does God deserve?”

📖 Resources mentioned in this episode:
Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth, by Thaddeus Williams: https://www.christianbook.com/confronting-injustice-compromising-questions-christians-justice/thaddeus-williams/9780310119487/pd/0119487?event=CPOF
Our episode, “Is God a Narcissist? Why God’s Demand for Worship Isn’t Selfish”: https://preparedtoanswer.org/podcast/9540-is-god-a-narcissist-why-gods-demand-for-worship-isnt-selfish
Our episode, “Jesus Teaches on Hell (or Does He?)”: https://preparedtoanswer.org/podcast/9315-jesus-teaches-on-hell

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