Debt – How to Beat Junk Debt Collectors, Collection Agencies & Debt Lawsuits

9 months ago

***Note: Read the description because I know a little about this myself and have put in what I know. I have included 3 separate videos. You can skip through if you don’t like one.

FIRST: Never Admit to a Debt, never attempt to Pay a Debt, and do NOT feel guilty to these f*ckers because once you know that they literally bought all your debt for probably .05 on the dollar or even less, and you know the tactics they use to stress you out, you have NO reason to feel any guilt whatsoever.

What do I do then?

Ask for a Debt Validation Letter from the Debt Collectors who Purchase your Credit Card Debt.

You want to get the debt Verified.

If you don’t DISPUTE the Validity of the Debt they will ASSUME it to be Valid. If you dispute the debt in writing they will have to obtain Verification of that debt.

Dispute the Validity and Request Verification of the Debt, do this in writing to them. All disputes must be in writing and keep copies.

What to dispute? You don’t need to say, all you have to say is “I dispute the debt.” That is ALL you have to say period. That will TRIGGER your Rights under the Law. Because you have extra rights if you dispute.

You can also say I am unaware if allegations are true or untrue, I am disputing the said debt and request debt verification and debt validation.

Requesting Verification of the said Debt – What does this mean? A lot of Judges don’t even really know and many will disagree with each other about what it means. Verification is not the same as Validation as when you request verification they really don’t have to give you a lot. In verifying a debt, all they have to provide is your name, address and debt amount, that’s it. So, unless they completely have the wrong person it does very little in your favor, but it is always good just to make sure it is YOU and not another person who has the same name as you or is impersonating you.

Basically, verification means if it is really your debt and if the amounts of debt is correct.

They do have to provide you with this information before they collect – in other words they must send you a written notice with your name, address and debt amount before they can collect.

If you send them that letter that says “I dispute the debt.” They have to give you the verification information and they have to report to the credit agency that this debt is being disputed. So this could be a “technicality” if you can prove they did not do this. If they fail to do this, it is a violation of the FDCPA – Fair Debt and Collection Practices

This has to be done within 30 Days of receiving the INITIAL Letter from the Debt Collector, so it is VERY important to get right on this when receive a letter from these Junk Debt Purchasers.

When you send your debt verification and dispute letter, ALWAYS use Certified Mail with a Returned Receipt, it may cost you an extra $5 to $10, but it is a must to beat these f*ckers because this the most important step of the entire process.

Never respond to their phone calls and when you send the dispute and verification request, make sure you let them know that you want all communications to be done by mail and then put this in your letter → “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately.”

After this, they can ONLY contact you for two reasons:

1. That they are going to STOP trying to Collect from you and
2. They intend to take Action against you such as filing a Lawsuit

Also, once again, Keep Copies of Everything you send them as you may need these for your court date.

After you send them the letter saying “I dispute the said debt, please provide verification of the debt” they will send you a Debt Validation Letter.

Debt Validation – 15 US CODE 1692g Letter. A debt validation letter is what a debt collector sends you to prove that you owe them money. This letter shows you the details of a specific debt, outlines what you owe, who you owe it to, and when they need you to pay. This letter must communicate 5 important rights that you have.
1. Amount of the Debt
2. Who is this Deb Owed to – what is the name of the credior
3. A statement that unless you Dispute the Validity of the Debt, they will Assume it to be Valid.
4. They must tell you that if you notify them that you dispute the debt in writing that they will obtain verification of the debt.
5. They must tell you if the Original Creditor to whom the money was owed is different from the current creditor that the debt collector is now collecting for. Request PROOF through Evidence that they purchased the debt and are now legal holders of the debt.

Right #5 is important because you want to know if they now hold the original contract of the debt. If they don’t, and you go to court, you win.

When these Debt Collectors Buy Debt, they are NOT buying the Original Copy that has YOUR Signature and they need this to verify that you actually owe them the money.

Some of them will buy this original copy with your signature but most do not as they are buying JUNK Debt for pennies on the dollar.

They have to be the LEGAL Holders of the Debt.

If you pay them ANY money that is consenting that you owe the debt and the payment forms a binding contract between you and them. Never admit verbally or in writing to a debt as that is a form of contract.

The statute of limitations on debt in NJ is six years according to Section 2A:14-1 of the state's laws. The statute of limitations applies to all kinds of debt. These include written, oral, promissory, or open. Once this period lapses, you cannot sue an individual or use force to try and recover the debt.

The statute of limitation begins from the last day you paid the debt. So if you never pay the debt collectors anything and that time period has expired I don’t believe they can place liens on your property or any of your assets.

In NE it was 4 years.

You can may have to go for about 4 to 6 years without a credit card if you don’t somehow settle it all and then after this period you can begin applying and building credit back up.

Paying these credit card junk collection agencies will not even help rebuild your credit so what’ the point of even paying them.

Play the system and wait it out, it is pretty much just like bankruptcy without going through the legalities and embarrassment.

There is a reason why these debt collectors do not want to buy the Original Contracts and that is because it costs more and it is a risky investment on their part as the original creditors have failed to collect, so it is easier for them to simply buy pieces of the debt and try to bully you into believing you own them when they don’t even have the original debt contract.

That is why you go to court when these f*ckers send you the letter.

If you don’t, they will be rewarded through default by the Judge and they will do everything they can to collect which includes placing liens on your assets. Believe me, I know.

Debt collectors can restart the statute of limitations if you make a payment. So never pay these junk debt collectors.

Debt Collectors also must have a license to purchase debt in your state, so make sure they have the license. Put as much pressure on them as they are on you.

Do not talk to them on phone, do EVERYTHING via MAIL.

Even if you pay these Junk Debt Collectors off, it won’t improve your credit, it doesn’t count on your true credit report.

Once a credit card company sells your debt, the damage to your credit has already been done.

*Remember this → Credit goes down because of Derogatory Remarks not because of actually not paying it and there can only be on derogatory remark after these scum bags buy your credit card debt. It has bottomed out at this point. The debt will stay on your credit for 7 years after your last payment and after this you can begin rebuilding your credit. Yes, there may be this 7 year period where your credit struggles, but once everything is removed creditors will begin contacting you once again shortly.

Trust me, this IS how it works – 100%.

To make sure debt collectors do not bombard and harass you with phone calls write them a letter that says: “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately.” Remember to always do all communicating by mail and never on the phone with those f*ckers.

Ask me questions if you have any, but definitely defend yourself when they purchase your debt or they will make life a nightmare.

In Nebraska, the statute of limitations on a debt is four years from your last payment. If four years have expired, you are no longer legally responsible for the debt. I believe the original contract was based on fraud as I had

Debt collectors can restart the clock on old debt if you: Admit the debt is yours. Make a partial payment. Agree to make a payment (even if you can't) or accept a settlement.


Rules of Evidence

Rules of Procedure

Substantive Case Law – specifically, the law of contracts


1. Do NOT Pay Collections Agencies | Debt Collectors EXPOSED – Irvin Pena --

2. Debt Validation Letters: How to Use Them to Crush Debt Collection in 2024 – Ricardo & Wasylik PL --

3. DO NOT Pay Debt Collectors | How to Handle Debt When It’s Gone to Collections --


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END. 5/21/2024 – 9:00 PM

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