The Liberal Mindset

10 months ago

The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness

From the Preface:
This book is about human nature and human freedom, and the relationship between them. Its contents are an outgrowth of my life-long interest in how the mind works.... (click here to continue)

On the Madness of Modern Liberalism:
The egalitarianism and welfarism of modern liberal government are incompatible with the facts of human nature and the human condition. But the rise to power of the liberal agenda has resulted from the fact that the people of western societies have irrationally demanded that governments take care of them and manage their lives instead of protecting their property rights. This misconception results in massive violations of those rights while permitting government officials to act out their own and their constituents' psychopathology... (click here to continue)

On the Ideals and Dangers of Liberalism:
Any government with the power to mother its citizens also has the power to dominate them and steal from them: to overtax them, confiscate their property and override their binding agreements. For this reason, the legally enforceable institutions of society must be very limited, lest the government charged with protecting the people against tyranny and theft becomes itself the most dangerous tyrant and thief.

Under the creed of modern liberalism, the individual citizen is not called to maturity but is instead invited to begin a second childhood. Like the child at play, he is given, or at least promised, ultimate economic, social and political security without having to assume responsibility for himself... (click here to continue)

Why Neo-liberalism Is Really Neo-socialism

If there is one common enemy that all opponents of individual liberty, free markets, and limited government seemingly can agree upon it is the “evil” of neo-liberalism. Everything that is hated in an open, competitive market society is summed into that word and condemned. The problem is that actual free market liberalism has nothing to do with its “neo-liberal” caricature and is being used as a rationale for abolishing what remains today of a free market society.

It’s reasonable to call Trudeau a modern-day socialist

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, alongside other national and provincial leaders, can rightly be called a “socialist” in the modern sense.

Socialism, at its core, remains an ideology of the benefits of top-down decision-making by elites, for and in the interests of the collective. Over time, the meaning of socialism has changed and evolved. Its original conception—and technical definition—is state ownership of the means of production, namely factories, machinery, etc. For the most part, there are very few socialists who now advocate for the government to nationalize industries.

Trudeau's Socialist Experiment Has Failed

Enough is enough.

We are long past the time in which there is a debate over the merits of Justin Trudeau’s economic policies.

Those policies have failed.

Housing is increasingly unaffordable, something that is completely appalling given Canada’s nearly limitless landmass.

Violent crime is surging.

Per capita GDP is in decline, meaning Canadians are getting poorer in real terms.

Social services are crumbling.

Drug use and deaths of desperation are rampant.

The few ‘positive’ economic announcements we see are backed up by tens of billions in subsidies, representing a horrendous misallocation of financial resources.

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