Folly by Malcolm Stewart. BBC RADIO DRAMA

9 months ago

Saturday-Night Theatre
Sat 17th Mar 1973, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM
Folly: a new radio play by Malcolm Stewart
London, 1900: James Manners, MP, to further his political career, is running a campaign in the House and the Country to purify public life: though he and his fellow mp, Edward Stirling, are not above seeking their own pleasures when they wish.
Producer: Charles I. Efeaux

Hon Edward Stirling MP: Richard Kay
James Manners, MP: John Pullen
The Prime Minister: William Fox
Lady Cynthia Douglas: Katherine Parr
Sir Cyril Douglas: Michael Kilgarriff
Fiona Douglas: Fiona Walker
Sheila: Jan Edwards
Madame X: Sheila Grant
Louise: Sandra Clark
Mr Stevens: David Gooderson
Home Secretary: Rolf Lefebvre
The many other parts played by:
Edward Stirling, Diana Bishop, Nigel Graham,
Anthony Hall, Gail MacFarlane, John Samson.
And William Sleigh

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