19 Weirdest Trees In The World That Defy Botanical Expectations

9 months ago

These aren’t your average leafy pals – we’re talking about the botanical rebels, the oddballs of the tree world that make you do a double-take or do an image search and see what the deal is.

We cover everything from the OG dinosaurs’ hangout spots to trees that look like land octopuses.

The 19 weirdest trees in the world and the coolest characters in nature’s story are up next, enjoy.

1. Adansonia

Also known as the baobab tree, it looks like it planted its roots in the sky. Native to Madagascar, Africa, and Australia, these trees can live for thousands of years and store water in their ginormous trunks.

2. Dragon Blood Tree

Found on the island of Socotra, the Dragon’s blood tree earned its name from the crimson sap it produces. It looks like something out of a mythical land, with an umbrella-shaped canopy and a trunk that’s more like a sculpture than a tree.

Read the full article here: https://stayweird.com/weirdest-trees-in-the-world/

Or just watch the video of course lol :)

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