Talking with Julian and Isabella: About Peru’s Hidden Bitcoin Revolution by Get Based.

8 months ago

Este episodio contiene subtitulos en Español e Inglés.

🔍 Keywords: #bitcoin #peru #documentary #motiv

📌 Momentos destacados del episodio:

Únete a nosotros para una conversación reveladora con Julian Figueroa e Isabella Santos mientras descubrimos la revolución oculta de Bitcoin en Perú, capturada por @getbasedtv.

Julian Figueroa, cineasta y presentador de Kinetic Finance, aporta su experiencia para arrojar luz sobre las exploraciones del canal de video multiplataforma en dinero, mercados e impacto de Bitcoin.

Isabella Santos, experimentada presentadora de televisión y productora de "Bitcoin Backstage" para Bitcoin Magazine, ofrece ideas sobre los últimos desarrollos y personalidades destacadas en el espacio de Bitcoin.

Get Based presenta una narrativa convincente sobre el Perú moderno, mostrando una marcada división entre ciudades bulliciosas y comunidades indígenas aisladas. Descubre cómo MOTIV, una organización sin fines de lucro, está utilizando Bitcoin para poner fin a la pobreza sistémica y la dependencia gubernamental en estas comunidades.

Desde las alturas de las montañas de los Andes hasta las profundidades de la selva amazónica, presencia cómo las economías circulares de Bitcoin están remodelando destinos y empoderando a las comunidades más empobrecidas.

Descubre cómo Bitcoin puede inspirar la soberanía holística a nivel individual y comunitario a través de la tecnología monetaria, potencialmente mejorando la calidad de vida de miles de comunidades rurales.

Sintoniza este documental innovador para echar un vistazo de primera mano a la revolución oculta de Bitcoin en Perú y su potencial transformador. No te lo pierdas, mira ahora y únete a la conversación.


📌 Episode Highlights:

🎙️ Join us for an eye-opening conversation with Julian Figueroa and Isabella Santos as we uncover Peru’s hidden Bitcoin revolution, as captured by @getbasedtv .

💼 Julian Figueroa, a filmmaker and host of Kinetic Finance, brings his expertise to shed light on the multi-platform video channel's explorations into money, markets, and Bitcoin's impact.

💡 Isabella Santos, an experienced TV host and producer of "Bitcoin Backstage" for Bitcoin Magazine, offers insights into the latest developments and notable personalities in the Bitcoin space.

🎥 Get Based presents a compelling narrative about modern Peru, showcasing a stark divide between bustling cities and isolated indigenous communities. Explore how MOTIV, a non-profit organization, is leveraging Bitcoin to end systemic poverty and government dependence in these communities.

🌱 From the heights of the Andes mountains to the depths of the Amazon rainforest, witness how Bitcoin circular economies are reshaping destinies and empowering the most impoverished communities.

🚀 Discover how Bitcoin can inspire holistic sovereignty on individual and communal levels through monetary technology, potentially improving the quality of life for thousands of rural communities.

Tune in to this groundbreaking documentary for a firsthand look at Peru’s hidden Bitcoin revolution and its transformative potential. Don't miss out—watch now and join the conversation.

🚨 Connect with Julian Figueroa and Isabella Santos:
Julian's Twitter: @kinetic_finance
Isabella's Twitter: @Isabellasg3


Affiliate Link:
Blockstream offers JADE a.k.a. the BEST Bitcoin hardware on the market. Use PROMO CODE to get 10% off anything in their store: BITCORNERPODCAST

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DISCLAIMER: This video is for entertainment purposes only. The content of this video is solely the opinion of the speakers, who are not licensed financial advisors or registered investment advisors. The purchase of cryptocurrencies poses a considerable risk of loss. The speakers do not guarantee any particular result. Past performance does not indicate future results.

🎧 Music:

Licencia: Creative Commons Zero 1.0

Instagram: / euproduccio. . Facebook: / euproduccion .

Credits: Reported & Produced by Juan Cienfuegos / thejuansc Produced by Juan Cienfuegos Edited by Juan Cienfuegos Subtitles by Whisper AI & JC

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