Transformers statues found full of ketamine

10 months ago

Several life-size (ish) Transformers statues bound for a movie exhibition in Taiwan were stopped in Thailand and found to be packed with an extraordinary amount of ketamine.

The drugs hidden inside Bumblebee et al were found in an elaborate sting operation, following a multinational police effort to monitor an unknown woman who had tried to smuggle 100kg of methamphetamine hidden in a food processor into Australia. Her latest ‘decepticon’ involved packing giant Transformers statues with 320kg of ketamine and paying $4,800 to a shipping company to send ostensibly to a movie exhibition in Taiwan.

A woman from Laos was supposed to intercept the shipment and distribute the drugs, which were made in Cambodia, across the region. While the ketamine, estimated to have a street value of nearly $20 million, was seized, the ‘lynchpins’ of this international drug smuggling scheme remain at large, probably thinking of more weird things they can stick drugs in.

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