178. DETOXIFICATION PATHWAYS - Drs. Lewis, Carter, & Gamble

7 months ago

Whoa! Where do I start with detox? Do I do a quarterly purge? Is it all about herbs, chelating agents, vitamin C, zeolites, and clay?

Amidst the myriad of options, it's crucial to delve into the fundamental science of the detox process, empowering you to make informed choices.

As always, the beauty of detox lies in its simplicity. Our bodies are equipped with natural detox pathways, a gift from nature and God. Remember, in our body, detox is not a one-time event, but a continuous, natural process.

Now, let's delve into the two primary detox approaches that can significantly enhance our natural detoxification processes.

Support and augment our body's existing detoxification- Liver, kidney, etc.
Complement existing detoxification pathways. That is, mimic the actions of these organs.
Supporting organ function and copying their actions ARE two different things.

19:58:14 From Martha : Genetics loads the gun – Epigenetics pulls the trigger!
19:59:46 From Martha : On average, identical twins die 10 years apart from each other!
20:02:41 From Martha : Dr. Tom – I’m going to try to track down the reference for you. So far what I have found – “According to a 2006 New York Times article, identical twins on average die more than 10 years apart, which is likely due to the complex nature of life expectancy.”
20:06:37 From mira : omg I'm TRYING to do a coffee enema as u speak !😅
20:06:47 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Dr. Stark: Don’t spend too much time - but that is a VERY interesting conclusion.
20:06:59 From Dr. Tom Lewis : MIRA - TMI
20:07:42 From mira : I know. Cldnt help myself (heehee)
20:08:20 From Pamela Hudson : gallbladder sludge and constipation
20:09:50 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/31/health/31age.html#:~:text=Even%20twins%2C%20identical%20twins%2C%20die,no%20accurate%20predicting%20for%20individuals.
20:16:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis : However, the study also indicates that the factors contributing most to variation in these measurements are to be found in individuals’ nonfamilial environments.
20:16:15 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Larry-Corder/publication/12470666_A_Danish_Population-Based_Twin_Study_on_General_Health_in_the_Elderly/links/00463525ef7d52018e000000/A-Danish-Population-Based-Twin-Study-on-General-Health-in-the-Elderly.pdf
20:27:05 From WG : A good case of diarrhea is a good thing a couple of times a year.....our bodies are so wonderfully made.
20:30:32 From Martha : Phantom limb pain is the perception of pain or discomfort in a limb that is no longer there
20:31:17 From Martha : And tonsils used to be removed at the drop of a hat…
20:35:08 From Alison Reece : Lost my tonsils and adenoids at age 4
20:36:26 From Linda Anderson : Doesn't CDS deliver oxygen to oxidize...
20:38:20 From WG : How do you see VLDL comparing to LDL in function of fat transort?
20:45:34 From Maura : Where is a good place to get fulvic/humic ?
20:47:10 From Alison Reece : I found chicken livers for sale in the local supermarket so made pate. Delicious. Not grass fed unfortunately, so maybe worse than not eating liver at all.
20:48:17 From Alison Reece : Replying to "Where is a good plac…"
I get it from iherb. I have heard you can use your own compost to make it but to me that perpetuates lack of minerals in the soil where I live.
20:48:17 From Linda Anderson : I'm starting to watch arturo solis Herrera, Europe... photosynthesis in the human body, related to melanin, light activation, etc. bio-energetic.
20:49:11 From Michelle Powers : Replying to "Where is a good plac..."

DR. V's site and also vitacost
20:50:10 From Maura : Reacted to "DR. V's site and als…" with 👍
20:50:12 From Maura : Reacted to "I get it from iherb.…" with 👍
20:50:19 From M F : aren't you afraid of cadmium in rice?
20:50:50 From Michelle Powers : organic rice is very inexpensive
20:50:53 From Dr. Tom Lewis : MF - no - I trust my detox and flood my body with minerals to “out-compete” the cadmium.
20:51:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Yes PM so true
20:51:16 From Linda Anderson : I saw a top 10 supplement list ... including Alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid
20:51:36 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Linda: I don’t know what that is.
20:51:46 From Martha : Replying to "Where is a good plac..."

I like Vital Earth Minerals – Mineral Blend Fulvic-Humic
20:51:59 From Dr. Tom Lewis : That’s the one I use Dr. Stark.
20:52:05 From Maura : Reacted to "I like Vital Earth M…" with 👍
20:52:08 From WG : Zach ____ has a liquid product Restore that is very good. I can't remember his last name. I think he is in NC
20:52:18 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Bush
20:53:07 From Michelle Powers : When I directed a wellness dept at a senior center, I got 90% of them off their poop meds just by having them add magnesium and Vitamin c🤓
20:53:22 From WG : Can also do hair analysis to see how well Cd , Ni,, Pb, Al are coming out
20:53:33 From Karen : Reacted to "When I directed a we..." with 🏆
20:53:48 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Le Chatelier's principle states that if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium shifts to counteract the change to reestablish an equilibrium. If a chemical reaction is at equilibrium and experiences a change in pressure, temperature, or concentration of products or reactants, the equilibrium shifts in the opposite direction to offset the change.
20:55:17 From Michelle Powers To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : PM here- Do you thin I can make some doxy paste and put on topically?
20:56:44 From Martha : W B Cannon’s “wisdom of the body”
20:57:01 From WG : How do you spell that .....equilibrium?
20:57:12 From Martha : equilibrium
20:57:29 From Martha : “dynamic equlibrium"
20:57:32 From Maura : Reacted to "When I directed a we…" with 🏆
20:59:34 From M F : what minerals do you add to filtered water to replace the ions?
20:59:50 From Martha : Does reverse osmosis do some bad things to the body?
21:00:49 From Steve : Dr. Group sez leaching from distilled water does not happen.

I add Trace Minerals to it anyway.
21:01:29 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dr. Group sez leachi..." with ❤️
21:01:57 From Joel B Peterson : Ditto @Steve
21:02:01 From Michelle Powers : Me too -add trace to clean water
21:02:04 From Linda Anderson : Apple State Vinegar... 6%
21:02:16 From Steve : Actually, may have been Dr. Henry Ealy that made the distilled water comment.
He also mentions the amount of minerals in (non distilled) water is minimal.
21:02:31 From Michelle Powers : Braggs got bought out by Katy Perry and apparently not keeping same
21:02:37 From Joel B Peterson : I do 30 drops per gallon
21:03:30 From Martha : Excellent!
21:03:41 From Steve : Also, minerals in water are not very absorbable
21:03:48 From Donna Champagne OKeefe : Thank you, doctors. Great information on the detox and colonics/enemas/suppositories.
21:03:49 From Maura : Reacted to "Braggs got bought ou…" with 😱
21:03:56 From Alison Reece : Thanks everyone

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