Sharing my burger with a wild cat and kittens.

10 months ago

Yesterday we went to cut my Mother-in-laws grass. As I past the abandoned chicken coop I saw movement. I stopped to check it out. It was a wild cat and her kittens. When I got to close she broke to run. She couldn’t get through the fencing ,so haha was about to panic. I backed off so she would go back to her kittens. I went and got a half a hamburger that I had not finished and broken into small pieces. With the food in hand, I went back to the chicken coop. I was able to go in without totally freaking her out. I started by throwing her a piece at a time. Then slowly letting her take it out of my hand. Slowly, I scratched her with one finger on the head. She decided that felt pretty good about as good as those pieces of hamburger Tatian on the poor little girls empty belly. Finally, she decided that the scratching was just good. It’s a wonderful morsels that she was being allowed to eat. I did not pick her up for anything. But hopefully we can get her to a good home for her and the kittens.

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