Victoria, Australia: Judge finally saying out loud …that the POLICE WERE THE AGGRESSORS!!!

7 months ago

Who knows the knock on effect of a judge finally saying out loud what we all knew was true…that the POLICE WERE THE AGGRESSORS!!!

They were the obvious aggressors at every protest I ever went to during those times. They incited violence even though they had all the weapons…

Where to from here I wonder?

Telegram Channel:
The People's Lawyer (TPL)

The Police in many countries were given God's IQ test in 2020..... they could side with God and resign from their jobs, or actively stay on the side of God whilst in the job and fight from within by siding with the people they swore an oath to serve, or they could side with their Freemasonic Lucifer and most chose the latter option. The Police aided and abetted in crimes against humanity and allowed genocide to take place under a tyrannical private corporation masquerading as a Government. The Police have now laid their bed...military is the only way

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