Police shoot homosexuals with water cannons 👍

9 months ago

Watch how the police handle this sin and lawlessness. This is in a country that does not have an ecumenical First Amendment that protects sin and lawlessness.

“Gay pride month” and their rainbow flag are a blasphemous offense to God. God’s Noahic Covenant (the rainbow) is God’s reminder to us all, that He will never again destroy earth with a flood. But, when a sinister people group pridefully flaunts and misuses God's rainbow, it should be a two-fold reminder that God will again judge & destroy the earth, most likely with fire. Pride month is also a reminder that God hates them and their pride, it angers Him as they store up wrath for that Day of Judgment. Tell that to any person, people group, or company that commits this crime and treason against a Holy Just God (Gen 9, Psalm 5:4-5; 7:11, Prov 6:12-19, Rom 2:5-13).

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