"I think never killed" - Tiananmen Square vs AntiSemitic / ProHamas protests

9 months ago

The students of Tiananmen Square, way back in 1989. And, the antisemitic scum "protesting" on campuses today.

Am I harsh? Maybe, but I'm not physically assaulting Jews. So in the contest for "Biggest Scummy Hater" ... well, I don't know why I even brought it up. There is no contest.

I was saying this 20 years ago, of a previous snarl of morons who protested some previous islamist war (or would the collective descriptor of morons be "a murder of morons" -- or maybe it's "a collective"). In those days, their nipple-piercings were all the rage ... so shocking! Now, it's their elective mastectomies and self-castrations. And somehow, they still, and always, side with the islamists who would rape them and then behead them for being raped.

I hope you don't imagine I'm kidding. Maybe I am, being deliberately provocative, and hyperbolic. What I think, is that my prophecies are true, but the timing, so far, is always wrong.

Check back in 20 years. I'll be here.

This is uploaded, after a fashion, in several formats. YT required censoring. This is not unreasonable, "to protect kids". But not reasonable, because it is ugly and repeatable reality that is being censored. Should be seen. It seems likely that it's the ideas, not the images, that are the problem for YT, both algorithm and ideologic apparatchiks.

The photograph of the iconic "Tank Man" picture was taken by Jeff Widener, who must own the copyright. An article about that, here:


On this note, all images used by me are of educational and artistic, and of "fair use". My artistic form, of my own invention, is "narrative linear collage".

Jack H

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