9 months ago

Ingrown nail is a painful condition that can affect the nails of the hand or feet, but occurs most often with the toenails. A toenail that is “ingrown” curves and digs into the skin at the sides of the nail, usually creating pain, redness, swelling, and heat, and often become infected. Interestingly, however, even when there is no pain, swelling, redness or heat, a nail that curves down into the skin can still progress into a serious infection.

Home remedies:
- Soak the foot in warm water four times a day. You may add a ½ cup of Epsom salts, which contain magnesium sulfate, a substance that reduces swelling and has antibacterial properties. This soak can provide soothing relief.
- Cut a lemon in half. Put your toe in the lemon, and place a sock over your foot. Let this soak overnight. Lemon has antibacterial and antiviral properties.
- For brittle nails, you can apply lip-moisturizing oil on your nails every night before bed, to make nails thinner and softer and easier to trim with clippers.
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