long distance relationship *sitting on couch w/ "significant other"

9 months ago

if my parish didn't know that i was crazy already...
it's okay not to fit in w/ society
i don't like you either, honey
i make people very uncomfortable i can tell
singing hymns to God w/ my fellow God people is completely different than congregating at the park, fuck this
empaths pick up on so much energy it's suffocating
i am anti-social but not for the reason that you think
why would somebody that hates society be anything BUT anti-social
i dunno what Psalm i was thinking of but this is specifically in Romans, Thessalonians n Peter (all new testament)
nobody will save you, only God
i've spent my whole life thinkin that there was sumin wrong w/ me
we ain't gon vibe, honey
God STILL protected me from myself in many ways, in other ways He allowed me to fuck up my life so that i would learn
i totaled my last vehicle (red chevy aveo, RIP fiona) cos i was being wreckless n irresponsible (running red lights on purpose for example)
that part of you that thinks it wants to perish will always be there
you know way more about yourself n the world thru negative experiences
of course they ain't fun when you're goin thru em
ag mixed drink: Holy Spirit + demonic spirit
the demons dunno what the fuck to do
mental illness will never go POOF!
they torment me way more since i made a commitment to Christ
it ain't the thing that's the problem
i don't need to sell my soul, he's already in me
at least the stone roses quit before they started to suck or God forbid got sober
annie clark (st. vincent) better not stop drinking
the problem w/ artists getting sober
drugs prove that our human experience is way more multi-faceted than society can accept
all this stuff is coming from the same place
9x outta 10 you don't have to do what they tell you you have to do
i never wanted to go to college
yes i am mentally ill WE KNOW
i've learned so much about myself watching this channel
forgive me if it seems that i am propping myself up
food should motivate me damnit
the same part of me that prevents me from staying on topic also prevents me from being in a successful relationship
accept that society wants you to kill yourself n you will be fine
if you have a relationship w/ yourself then you have a relationship w/ God, that's really where you start
i appreciate your feedback even if it sucks
i really wish that this was a joint
remember mid-grade weed? MEMORIES!
i chain-toked the same way i chain-smoked
i talk to myself all the time cos i internalize so much that it has no choice but to externalize itself when i am alone
at least we know that these options are available
what's right w/ ag: trusting instinct
having constant access to unlimited information is not good for society
sheep, i am just describing sheep
jiddu krishnamurti said that it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society
i don't pat myself on the back for being this way, it's just the way that i am n i accept it n trust God, that's it
going the opposite route of society was a conscious decision that i made but i don't consciously choose to be this odd
doing what i was told to do just made me wanna kill myself even more (medication, relationships, sex, binge drinking, school)
it was not a little bumble bee, amy!
west civ will never understand mental illness (too much $ in gaslighting the public)
at least we have the same etiquette towards strangers
awareness is dangerous ain't it
real empaths won't stay on meds, go you!
if i seem harsh it's cos society doesn't value itself at all
they have never given the right kinda fuck
the most dangerous disorders will never be talked about
it's okay to be arrogant so long as you know that it ain't a good thing
you can't be crippled by sumin that you are hyper aware of but the devil will still meddle thru excessive analysis ie ocd
so many nuggets of wisdom that i picked up in AA meetings but too many creeps for me to keep going
narcissists are attracted to empaths for various reasons
coverts always flock to me in hopes to imitate my compassion but they never can make the cut
my mom used to have to put me on a leash when i was a kid cos of my tendency to wander off
i belong in a pygmy tribe not here

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