Article 4809 Video - "Secret Meetings" - Sunday, May 12, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4809 Video - "Secret Meetings" - Sunday, May 12, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Small group meetings of county assemblies or coffee klatsching of Assembly members, or Assembly Committees in other settings, don't constitute "secret meetings".

People in our tradition are allowed to freely associate and have the right of freedom of association. Any American can talk to any other American or Americans as a group, without it being a "secret meeting" and they can talk about any subject they please.

When we talk about secret meetings we are talking about clandestine meetings of, for example, Terrorists, who might want to undermine our efforts or stage an attack against our Assembly, or undeclared Agents seeking to set up some kind of False Flag or Entrapment Scheme.

In the past, these sorts of activities have led to unnecessary tragedies and they are often hard to discern and separate from the routine and innocent comings and goings of our living government.

In Colorado, Michael R. Hamilton, a self-admitted Federal Insurance Agent, made a habit of showing up at the private homes and work sites of members of the original Colorado Assembly and "talking them up" one by one, so that when they met as an Assembly, his pernicious reasonings and "facts" were already in their minds.

Of course, he didn't tell him that his "facts" were taken out of context or that they applied to a completely different jurisdiction--- and they were not yet educated enough to discern his deceit.

As a result, these good men are facing more than three decades of imprisonment at the hands of their own employees --- unless we succeed in overturning the convictions that bind them and bring this travesty of justice to an end.

Those one-on-one meetings were "secret meetings" in the sense we intend -- even though it appeared to be just a couple of guys talking about whatever.

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