Dr Paul Brunton’s rebirth experience (in the Great Pyramid)

9 months ago

Paul Brunton was the author of many spiritual books including A Search in Secret India (1934), The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga, The Quest of the Overself and A Search in Secret Egypt. He later devoted himself to mysticism and even became a hermit in the Himalayas for a while. Paul was given permission to stay inside the Great Pyramid in Egypt overnight, alone with only the sarcophagi for company. His aim was to discover what it was like for an Initiate in the Egyptian Mysteries. But he had not fully anticipated what would happen.

More detail on Dr Paul Brunton his books and his life can be found using the link to our website
His books are well worth reading, simply because he was genuine

Here is a part of an exotic technique which has helped me; I offer it to others because it may help them too, but I have no desire to propagate it in any way.
If there exist some persons who can appreciate this method I shall be content, but if there are none I shall not be discontented either.
The laurels of successful advocacy of a spiritual message, so far as they include publicity and followers and correspondence and visitors, are as equally distasteful to me as are the thorns of martyrdom.
If I do not desire these laurels of the evangelistic faith founder, neither do I care for the crown of thorns that is also the lot of the heretical pioneer. I ask nothing more of the world than that it leave me to my wandering and scribbling and contemplating

We have around 20 ‘observations’ of his that capture the most pertinent of his thoughts.
And although we have selected his night in the Pyramids as an example of rebirth, we have done so because it is perhaps one of the least frightening of rebirth experiences we have on the site

The paintings and drawings are by David Roberts (24 October 1796 – 25 November 1864), who was a Scottish painter. He is especially known for a prolific series of detailed lithograph prints of Egypt and the Near East that he produced from sketches he made during long tours of the region (1838–40).. He was elected as a Royal Academician in 1841.


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