Professor Erik J. Olsson & Göran Adamson on The Pelle Neroth Taylor Show - 10 May 2024

5 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Prof. Olsson, Professor of Logic at Lund University, Sweden has an upcoming book about how academic excellence in academia, in Sweden as everywhere else in Europe, is being undermined by all pervasive, anti scientific feminism, that shuns debate and imposes conformist, stale thinking.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Göran Adamson is an Associate Prof. in Sociology
and Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology at Uppsala University, Sweden. The Swedish sociologist Göran Adamson’s latest book, Masochistic Nationalism: Multicultural Self-Hatred and the Infatuation with the Exotic (2021), identifies two forms of nationalism in contemporary society (white supremacist and anti-white) and explores their similarities and differences.

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