'Ten Heads of Ravana' exposes Kancha Ilaiah

9 months ago

Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd’s work is analyzed by Sharda Narayanan and Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay. Ilaiah, who has been hoisted as one of India’s foremost social thinkers, is instrumental in internationalizing Dalit issues and bringing them to the attention of global institutions. In a written testimony submitted to the UK Parliament, the Christian Solidarity Network cited Ilaiah’s testimony at a US Congress hearing, on how anti-conversion laws in India perpetuate Dalit slavery by obstructing their freedom to leave the Hindu religion. Ilaiah has cast Hinduism as a “cult” which ostensibly encourages vegetarianism, nudity and sexual perversion, in stark contrast to Christianity which he feels has an ethic of sacrifice and civility. Narayanan and Mukhopadhyay analyze critically the major themes of Ilaiah’s work, expose his research methodology and caliber, including his use of superficial similarities in name endings to establish a fantastic linkage between the Harappan civilization and the Bible!

Snakes in the Ganga - http://www.snakesintheganga.com
Varna Jati Caste - http://www.varnajaticaste.com
The Battle For IIT's - http://www.battleforiits.com
Power of future Machines - http://www.poweroffuturemachines.com
10 heads of Ravana - http://www.tenheadsofravana.com

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