Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Statement on His Illegal Trial: 'We Are Ready For Them'

5 months ago

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich comments on his unconstitutional trial and unbelievable incidents in Rosdorf Prison on the weekend of his birthday.

Video source: Telegram - https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish

Judicial scandal in Germany: The Fuellmich case

"The political trial against civil rights activist Dr Reiner Füllmich reveals the motives and behaviour of a compromised constitutional state. Open violation of the law and legal trickery are intended to secure the conviction of Dr Füllmich. The misconduct of the public prosecutor’s office and judges is documented. So is the involvement of malicious third parties. They are part of the conspiracy against the investigator, who has already been illegally deprived of his freedom for over six months.

The history of the proceedings against civil rights activist Dr Reiner Füllmich is impressive evidence of the erosion of the rule of law in the Federal Republic of Germany. From the preparations for Füllmich’s arrest to the final statement by the Göttingen district court presided over by judge Carsten Schindler at the end of April, a common thread runs through the trial. At every turn, the proceedings ooze the intention to bring about a conviction of the persecuted man at all costs. Right from the start.

While the conspiracy against the civil rights activist initially appeared to be the work of the public prosecutor's office, the Federal Criminal Police Office and Füllmich’s former co-partners it, is now clear that the court also wants – or needs – to ensure the persecuted man’s unconditional conviction.

During the trial, some observers still hoped that the court was actually interested in established in the facts and would soon realise that it had been deliberately misled by the prosecution and the complainants. However, the court’s statement of 26 April 2024 destroyed the last hope of a constitutional trial, even for the greatest optimists. Once again, Schindler and his accomplices fabricated new accusations against the civil rights activist. The contrived trial is now turning into a legal farce.

The Füllmich thriller: In the beginning was the lie.

Wolfgang Jeschke, Laufpass

Article: Judicial scandal in Germany: The Fuellmich case


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