Authority and Greater Sin

7 months ago

From the time that Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, the people who arrested him bound him and led him to Annas' house. They were seeking to assert control and authority over Jesus. It's interesting, trying to assert control and authority over the Son of God.

When Jesus fails to immediately answer one of Pilate's questions, Pilate says, "Don't you understand that I have authority over you?" Jesus tells him the authority that he has doesn't come from the Roman government.

John 19:1 Pilate has Jesus scourged
John 19:2 & 3 Roman soldiers abuse Jesus
John 19:4 & 5 Pilate presents Jesus saying he finds no guilt in Him
John 19:6 & 7 Pilate attempts to avoid responsibility, but the chief priests and offiers demand that Jesus be crucified and state that Jesus claimed to be the Son of God
John 19:8 – 11 Jesus refuses to answer Pilate’s questions. Pilate asserts he has authority over Jesus, but Jesus responds he only has authority because it was given by heaven. But Jeus also says those who are delivering Him have greater sin than Pilate
John 19:12 – 15 Pilate still seeks to release Jesus, but the Jews keep the pressure on by saying that if he doesn’t crucify Jesus he is no friend of Caesar and they have no king but Caesar

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