Sambal Matah Kacang

9 months ago

Sambal matah kacang adalah twist pada resep sambal matah saya sebelumnya, tolong coba dan beri tahu saya apa yang Anda pikirkan.

This is the first of several videos in Bahasa, more will come in both English and Bahasa!
Please scroll down to see the English language recipe and instructions😊

Bahan Bahannya :
1/2 cup Kacang tunggak goreng atau bisa juga pake kacang tanah yang digoreng
9 cabe bali buang bijinya
6 buah bawang merah
1 buah bawang putih
2 lembar daun jeruk jangan dipakai tulang daunnya
1 atau 2 sereh tergantung besar kecilnya , dipakai bagian dalamnya saja yang lembut
1/2 buah limau buang bijinya
2 sdm kecombrang
Sejumput garam
Sejumput gula pasir
1 1/2 sdm minyak kelapa or minyak sayur

Cara membuatnya:
1. Iris tipis bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe, sereh, kecombrang, Daun jeruk, lalu di cincang (dirajang) sampai halus.
2. Tambahkan garam, gula, perasan jeruk limau dan Kacang tunggak lalu aduk sambil diremas remas ,
3. Masukan minyak kelapa, lalu aduk sebentar dan Siap dihidangkan, paling enak dimakan dengan Nasi kuning dan saur (serundengnya orang bali ) Selamat mencoba dan Selamat masak 😊

Here are the ingredients :
1/2 cup deep fried black-eyed peas or also you can change to roasted peanut
9 chilies ( bali hot pepper) no seed or if you don’t like really spicy you can change to big red chilli
6 shallots
1 garlic
2 kaffir lime leaves ( don’t use the midrib of the leaf )
1 or 2 lemongrass depends on how big they are, just use inside part which is the soft one
1/2 of kaffir lime fruit juice (take off the seeds)
2 tbsp of ginger torch flower
Pinch of salt pinch
Pinch of caster sugar
1 1/2 tbsp coconut oil or vegetable oil

1. Slice the shallots, garlic, chilli, ginger torch flower , kaffir lime leave, lemongrass , and after that chop them until fine
2. Add the sugar , salt, juice of kaffir lime fruit, deep fried black-eyed peas and mix them well and while you mix them give lil squeeze
3. After that add the coconut oil and mix them well , and you ready to serve, perfect serve with yellow rice (Nasi kuning)and browned coconut (saur)

Please let me know how your food taste, and be free to ask any question about this recipe , enjoy my recipe and happy cooking 😊

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