How to Heal Persecution Programmes

10 months ago

Freedom from persecution is one of my favorite topics ever!

Persecution is deeply interconnected with all things NASTY that hold us back as human beings.

It's one of the most powerful ways that toxic individuals and organizations have been able to STOP you from becoming your highest, best, and most AUTHENTIC self.

Many of us who have been narcissistically abused have suffered the devastating and crippling effects of persecution programs.

In this presentation, I talk about how our past human history has contributed to terrible persecution programs, why they are not just because of terror but also shame, and how to go free from persecution programs durably … FOREVER.

I know that many of you are excited about delving into this topic to rise up and out of your persecution traumas, BE YOURSELF, and generate your BEST life fearlessly.

The information session is posted here, and the full 90-minute healing workshop was held for Shifts Happen Members, on our private platform.

You can access this very important 90-minute Workshop here:

I look forward to your comments and questions below.

Love Mel

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