Stop making dream dictionaries!

10 months ago

I wish people would stop making dream dictionaries. To me, they're not helpful. Here's why. Because what you're trying to do is institutionalize the language of God that is designed to change from dream to dream. Why did 3 baskets or 3 loaves of bread and 3 clusters of grapes mean 3 days for the baker and the cupbearer and 7 cows and 7 heads of grain suddenly mean 7 years for pharaoh? Nobody knows. How did Joseph know the difference? You have no idea. And so to try to institutionalize and say, well, it always means, if you're talking about grain or if you're talking about bread, it always means 3 days. Wrong. It meant 7 years. So this is why we do what we call the Joseph Method, which is what we also call a word of knowledge method. We want to teach you how to hear the voice of God. So as you're interpreting a dream, like Joseph did, like Daniel, then you can get revelation and you can say, in this particular question, in this particular dream, this means this.

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