Update: Current Solar Storm Almost Over, But Earth's Magnetic Shields Getting Dangerously Weak

9 months ago

On May 12, 2024, SpaceWeatherNews @SunWeatherMan writes:

"Good News, Bad News, More Solar Shockwaves Coming"


See also:

SpaceWeatherNews Website:

Earth's Magnetic Field Could Completely Flip Soon — Physicist Explains What That Means


Previous Solar Storm Updates:

May 11, 2024, Solar Storm Update: What Has Happened So Far, What Is Coming Next

Highest Geomagnetic Storm Rating, Dozens Of Networks Down, Coronal Mass Ejection Number 7 On The Way

Four Solar Blasts Are On Their Way To Earth! (Space Weather News, 05/09/24)

How The Sun Could Wipe Us Out
A Burst Of Plasma Would Set In Motion A Devastating Cascade Of Failures
By Bret Weinstein
July 19, 2021


Level 1: Minor storm, with a Kp index of 1-2
Level 2: Moderate storm, with a Kp index of 3-4
Level 3: Strong storm, with a Kp index of 5-6
Level 4: Severe storm, with a Kp index of 7-8
Level 5: Extreme storm, with a Kp index of 9 or higher

(Kp index is a measure of the magnetic field's disturbance)


John Davis @redneckbwana writes:

While the X5.7 flare on May 11, 2024 is a very strong event, there have been a number of recorded solar flares that exceed this level. Here are some of the most powerful flares observed since the start of the space age:

1. The Carrington Event (1859): Estimated to be an X45 (±5) flare based on the recorded effects. This is the strongest known solar flare.

2. November 4, 2003: An X28+ flare, the strongest recorded by GOES satellites. The "+" indicates that the flare was so powerful it saturated the detectors, so the exact peak intensity is uncertain.

3. April 2, 2001: An X20 flare.

4. August 16, 1989: An X20 flare, part of a series of powerful flares from August 1989 that caused wide-ranging technological impacts.

5. October 28, 2003: An X17.2 flare, part of the famous "Halloween Storms" of 2003.

6. September 7, 2005: An X17 flare.

7. March 6, 1989: An X15 flare, also part of the influential March 1989 flare series.

8. July 11, 1978: An X15 flare.

9. October 19, 1989: An X13 flare.

10. December 5, 2006: An X9 flare.

These are just a few examples, and there have been several other flares in the X6 to X10 range recorded over the decades. However, events above X10 are relatively rare, typically occurring only a few times per solar cycle, if at all. Flares as strong as the Carrington Event are even rarer and have not been directly measured with modern instruments.


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