Crowder in the House of the Lord

9 months ago

Happy Mothers Day

In his sermon on 21 April 2024, Pastor Greg Locke said USA is over n done, Israel is in command of the world, USA will attack Israel with nukes, but God shall disable all the armies of every nation [like General Milley taking the nuke codes away from Trump for Nancy Pelosi and the Chicoms] and Israel will win for the Antichrist [and the communist dictatorship of the Synagogue of Satan], then Jesus will return and take the [murdered] Christians to Heaven within the next 20 years of Hell on Earth starving to death. He said Trump is done, he cant win his court cases nor election, he cant defeat Satans minions [jews] even if Trump does win. Game over. Pastor Locke used to be Trumps #1 fan, he said that voting Democrat is a 1 way ticket to Hell and banned Democrats from his church on TV, but he is terrified of arrest for being in DC for Trumps rally and Democrat FBI Antifa BLM falseflag riot on Jan6. Today Pastor Locke found a rotted dead chicken in his driveway OTW to church, with a dozen armed guards protecting the congregation, after paying $600,000 to attorneys to keep their church open despite Commie19 lockdowns.

Israeli flag patch on church guard wearing body armor and tactical gear at GVBC
Photo by Pirate News

Photos of Pastor Locke by Pirate News

Global Vision Bible Church

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Reporter: Are you Q?
General Mike Flynn: Yes. Hahaha no.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 8GzG+UJ9 No.150166936 
Nov 20 2017 02:29:21 (EST)
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.

Biden tax increase to destroy all citizens and destroy America in 2024!

"You WILL have the biggest tax increase in your lifetime in 5 months. BEFORE the election. All of these taxes are DEVASTATING and will DESTROY THE COUNTRY!"

Cetain taxes increased 300%, major tax deductions eliminated, NEW taxes created, DEI taxes to target WHITE people, retirees must pay up to 60% of pension inome to govt. NEW 25% tax on UNREALIZED Capital Gains has never before been seen in USA, EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE ZERO CASH IN YOUR ACCOUNT! THIS DESTROYS HOME OWNERSHIT. IT DESTROYS INHERITANCE. ALL BUSINESS OWNERS WILL BE FORCED TO DECLARE BANKRUPTCY TO SELL BIZ TO PAY TAX. COMMUNIST JEW COUP!

When unable to murder by vax or ventilators, starvation was the weapon of choice during C19 biowar attack lockdowns in hospitals, nursing homes and home health. Or cutting out beating hearts for $5M profit. As my parents and gf found out. 200 lawyers refused to take my 3 wrongful death medical malpractice cases. Police and 3 DAs refused to prosecute my 3 homicide complaints, while police protected the serial killers. They were probably counted as "Covid19 deaths" to scam a Government murder bonus. Another gf died in ER waiting room waiting on a dr, where another gf sitting in her car was gunshot by police for a parking ticket while legally parked.

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