Subjected to scandal, animated by Hope: Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension 2024-Fr Stanislaus

7 months ago

This week the perpetual calendar of the Church commemorates the Sunday within the Octave of The Ascension of Our Lord and Savior, who Himself ascended into Heaven as witnessed by His Apostles. The lessons from Holy Scripture today point to the time Our Lord desired to prepare the Apostles for this moment and although they were very sad and even close to despair He reminded them to pray in Hope of what they have learned and witnessed. In the Epistle reading from St. Peter, he reminds the first Christians that despite the calumny, detraction, and rejection they would suffer they must remain steadfast in the Truth as taught by Our Lord and to not be scandalized into immoral behavior by what someone else may say or insist to them. Remaining steadfast in prayer with the hope and comfort of the Divine Paraclete, the Holy Spirit who is the Truth of Christ is what we await and will commemorate on Pentecost Sunday.
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