Walking with the Lord (pt. 3)

9 months ago

There are at least two types of ways you can walk in wisdom today. The first way is to walk in the wisdom that the world will try to impart on you and the other is to walk in the wisdom that is imparted to you by God, His wisdom!

Are there moments in your life where you had information on a topic that you may have never come across in your life but yet, in your conversation, the information shared was spot on? If we are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, God will impart that knowledge to us. I believe God gives us a discernment in all situations to guide us in every interaction we have with others. He exposes things to us about people, conversations and events that we may not otherwise have no prior knowledge of. Through the Holy Spirit, God provides to us a better understanding of the circumstance.

Are you walking in the wisdom of the Lord? What does walking in wisdom of the Lord look like? Walking in the wisdom of the Lord has several components to it: 1. A strong healthy prayer life; 2. Being faithful to things unseen; 3. Acute listening skills, being able to hear the Holy Spirit; 4. Obedience in reading your word; and 5. A deep understanding of the Love God has for each one of us.

1. God through our prayers will impart wisdom and knowledge to us when we seek it. God does answer our prayer and gives us knowledge and wisdom beyond all understanding?

2. Walking by faith not by sight is critical to our growth in God. It gives God the opportunity to show His power to us through our faith.

3. Being able to clearly listen to the Holy Spirit and discern details in the circumstance and follow God's guidance allows us to make the right choices. Constantly evaluating what we are experiencing against the word of God.

4. Reading our word gives us the basis for our opinions and is a clear backdrop to our biblical understanding of the world. It helps us differentiate God's wisdom versus the world's wisdom so we don't fall into Satan's trap with no escape.

5. Knowing how much God loves us and the sacrifice He made for us encourages us to continue to walk with Him on a daily (almost minute by minute) basis. It allows us to feel loved unconditionally and then show that love to others in way we may never know or experience living in the world's wisdom.

Walking in the wisdom of the Lord also requires seeing an opportunity and working through it. We should not isolate ourselves from the world but we should have wisdom on who we interface with. It steers clear of evil days by showing people the light.

Walking in the wisdom of the Lord allows us to see Jesus as the Light. When we have Jesus in us then, we have the Light in us. Our walk with Jesus is dependent on our ability to believe He is the Son of God. That He is the light that will remove all darkness and that through His sacrifice on the cross and His blood, our sins have been forgiven. (1 John 1:7 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.)

If you are walking in wisdom offered to you by the world, then you are missing out on the greatest opportunity to have a close personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. When we have developed our relationship with Jesus, He will share His wisdom with us when we seek it and only then, we are truly walking in the wisdom of the Lord!

My prayer is that each and every one of us will seek the knowledge and wisdom that God has and is willing to impart to us. That we would seek Him and follow Him though every circumstance. That we will leave it all on the floor and lay our petitions at His feet so He may pick them up and read them to His Father and pray with us to His Father as we are praying. That we believe in the power of prayer and have faith as small as a mustard seed to be able to move mountains. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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