Title 18 of US Criminal Code has Caveat that will effectively de-crimalize illegal alien vote

9 months ago

The relevant portion of the Criminal Code can be viewed in full context at: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/611

This is an significant caveat in The US Criminal Code 18 U.S. Code 611 - Voting by aliens. Note the exception to any penalty in (c) (3) [if] "the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States."

Please don't tell me that that is now an invitation to vote. There is physical evidence that NGOs and charities that can be linked by to the US government are informing illegals about how they can get registered and that the should vote for Joe Biden. Having said that, it is not the sole factor that would result in the courts not prosecuting masses of illegals who vote. Aside from the issue of prosecution, once an illegal votes it will be unlikely that the offender will be tied to his/her ballot so the vote can be reversed. On top of that the Blob has made it career ending for lawyers to take voter fraud cases to court. Certain states make it nearly impossible to do forensic audits. There are cases still in the works where election state authorizes have hidden or destroyed evidence to thwart discovery.

Bottom line: If they vote almost assuredly it will be in the hundreds of thousands and the defense will be that they were mislead into believing that it was lawful. Especially since it is now legal to vote in some local and state elections. So easy to be confused, right?

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