cop attacks me because I called him a 🤡 steals my id. BODYCAM

10 months ago

Mastroianni was the original cop. The second cop was Homand, and the supervisor was Hawrylik. at this point, I don't expect much more out of half these guys. It seems like their m.o lying and writing bs tickets to get your id. it's sad this officer only knows part of the "jay walking" statute and is missing key pieces that make it. I never "snuck up" on him he clearly has a problem with lying, idk how he can be a useful witness in court? I do wonder how many innocent people are sitting in jail because of him. he had no right to touch me, to go into my phone, to do any of that. that was excessive force over his feelings. as usual this is for news and educational purposes. the public needs to know their rights and what these guys are doing around them on a daily basis. because its crazy what they're doing.


Norwich Police Department CT
70 Thames St, Norwich, CT 06360

their FB

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