051224 How I worshipped God as a new believer. Leevi Nikkilä

9 months ago

How I worshipped God as a new believer.
In the beginning what we do is clumsy and not as wise as we would like, but that is where everyone starts unless they were blessed with a good mentor. The Holy Spirit doesn't micromanage:

Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding, and must be held in with bit and bridle or they will not come to you.” Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but lovingkindness surrounds the one who trusts in Adonai. Be glad in Adonai and rejoice, you righteous, and shout for joy, all who are upright in heart.
Psalms 32:9‭-‬11 TLV

Get the fundamentals right and begin worshipping truth and spirit. Be motivated by God backed by knowledge, faith and love, and live accordingly. No one starts perfect, but it is close to perfection to learn.

If you want to chat more than in the comments join up:

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Also a big thank you to all you who have supported my bikepacking travels, I'll thank you properly later!

#god #bible #worship #spirituality religion #yeshua #jesus #jesuschrist #christianity #christian #crossofsaintpeter

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